This active drug-delivery system addresses the limitations seen for the anti-cancer drug BA-TPQ — poor solubility and low bioavailability.
With both Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease increasing in recent years, UAB wilderness medicine physician says it’s important to dress properly and to perform tick checks after woodland excursions.
UAB's Air Force Special Operations Surgical Team was honored following a recent overseas deployment when the team commander received a prestigious award.
Stephen Aller, Ph.D., has been recently recognized for integrating leading-edge technology, “cryo-EM” into his research on membrane protein structure, by the National Institutes of Health.
Six of the Learning Communities have been renamed after prominent figures within the School of Medicine's past.
The Golden Week program developed by UAB’s Regional Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was recently recognized nationally for its standardized set of practices for premature infants, providing them with quality care in their first week of life.
Alabama ranks 45th in the nation in the number of primary care physicians available to care for its population, and a new UAB School of Medicine program aims to improve that number.
The UAB School of Medicine has lost a beloved colleague and an incomparable role model in William E. “Bill” Dismukes, M.D., MACP. He died June 19 at age 78.
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