Allostery, a fundamental means of regulating enzymes, is crucial for living cells.
A biomarker, endothelial mitochondrial function, may be useful for early identification of newborn babies at risk for lung disease and could enable novel therapy approaches.
Brian Samuels, M.D., says there is an increase of eye pressure throughout the morning, and that pressure comes and goes throughout the day. This fluctuation is a known risk factor for the progression of glaucoma.
The UAB Cancer Center offers patients with advanced and rare cancer, including those with any stage of pancreatic and brain cancer, the opportunity to have no-cost tumor profiling, and patients may be matched with an appropriate clinical trial or recommend use of an FDA-approved drug.
One of the most common types of cancer is skin cancer. A UAB dermatologist shares background information, risks and how to protect your skin.
Eleven outstanding faculty members were named recipients of the 2017 Dean’s Excellence Awards, an honor recognizing exceptional contributions made by School of Medicine faculty in service, teaching, research, diversity enhancement and mentorship.
The Health Services Foundation General Endowment Fund grants offer financial support for projects within UAB demonstrating multidisciplinary efforts in clinical care, medical education, laboratory research and patient-oriented research.
James J. Cimino, M.D., director of the UAB Informatics Institute and Endowed Professor in Informatics, has been elected to the International Academy of Health Sciences Informatics.
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