Exacerbations of COPD, particularly mild COPD, lead to a decline in lung function in smokers, according to new research from UAB.
J. Crawford Downs, Ph.D., will research a new wireless system to measure and control fluid pressure around the optic nerve. 
Becker’s Hospital Review ranks the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center as one of 100 Hospitals and Health Systems with great oncology programs in America. 
Exercise is a key to better health, and UAB is teaming up with local partners to encourage people to get outside and be active in their local parks. 
Seven faculty in the UAB School of Medicine have been named recipients of the 2016-2017  PROSPER Curricular Enrichment and Innovation Awards.
A UAB study that is the first of its kind found that a tiny RNA — miR-124-3p — appears to play a role in producing major depression.
UAB and local businesses honor a late, inspiring wheelchair user by donating a custom wheelchair in his name to a deserving recipient.
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