Adam Pope

Adam Pope

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Manager of Public Relations | (205) 934-6986

Leads external communications for units within the medical entities. Pope and his team proactively tell stories through external media outlets, featuring news about research, clinical happenings, patient stories and beyond at UAB. The team works reactively to connect appropriate experts with media on subject matter expertise.

Specific beats: 

  • Health System Administration 
  • Heersink School of Medicine
  • Medical Facilities
  • Medical Partnerships/Alliances
  • School of Health Professions
  • Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center  
  • Live HealthSmart Alabama
  • Department of Pathology
  • Department of Surgery
    • Transplantation

Menear and Feldman joined 63 other competitively selected women leaders from across the United States and Canada to partake in the intensive, residential leadership development program at Bryn Mawr.
“At the core, I don’t want anyone else to lose their father so early in their lifetime. That drove me at the beginning to do the work I do today.”
The highest blood pressure amplification was found in patients with uncontrolled resistant high blood pressure.
What connected two people before pales in comparison to what connects them now.
The ERAS program is a patient-centered approach leading to better patient satisfaction and health outcomes.
UAB investigators have outlined the ideal cardiovascular health among American adults after the economic recession of 2008-2009.
The boys of fall are back, but how your team fares this season could be the least of your worries.
Panel member selection is based on a variety of factors, including scientific track record and experience with leading NIH-funded or other significant research efforts.
Sowing the Seeds of Health has served 4,000 Latina women in six counties in Alabama and continues to demonstrate the need to navigate cultural differences to raise awareness about cancer detection.
Snoring affects nearly 40 percent of adult men and 24 percent of adult women.
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