Hannah Echols

Hannah Echols

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Public Relations Specialist

echolsh@uab.edu | (205) 704-2939

Identifies and develops stories that highlight research, faculty news, patient stories, clinical stories and beyond a UAB. Connects media with experts to enhance their story.

Specific beats: 

  • School of Public Health 
  • Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology  
  • Division of Endocrinology, Diabetesand Metabolism
  • Department of Informatics
  • Department of Genetics
  • Department of Neurology  
  • Department of Surgery
    • Pediatric
    • Neurosurgery 
  • Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Department of Pediatrics
  • Department of Precision Medicine 
  • Division of General Internal Medicine and Population Science
Michael Straughn will advance women’s patient care practices as the new vice chair of UAB’s Section of Quality and Patient Safety.
Martha Dawson and Blake Smith will address racism and lack of diversity in the nursing profession through the National Commission to Address Racism in Nursing.

Dina Avery, DHSc, will serve a two-year term on the board of the Association of Graduate Regulatory Educators.

Students and community members can learn how they can be included in shaping the future of health care for generations to come by joining us for an All of Us Research Program enrollment event.
UAB researchers will study psilocybin, a psychedelic compound, on its effects on smoking cessation.
UAB graduate students will work as yearlong service partners to implement self-developed projects dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable people.
New study from UAB women’s health, infectious diseases and pediatric experts show increase in morbidity and adverse outcomes in pregnant patients caused by the Delta variant.
UAB public health researcher suggests new framework in tracking tobacco and nicotine use in adolescents in the United States.

The Delta variant poses a new threat to pregnant women. UAB women’s health and infectious disease experts discuss the effects of COVID-19 and the vaccines on pregnancy.   

UAB public health expert: Masking in Alabama during the Labor Day weekend could prevent at least 3,500 and as many as 6,000 COVID-19 cases in Alabama the following week and help end the surge.

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