Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor • (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats include: biochemistry; cell, developmental and integrated biology; microbiology; molecular genetics; neurobiology; pathology; pharmacology and tocixology; Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance; Bill L. Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

A neuron model of Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementias shows defects that could suggest treatments to halt or reverse cognitive impairments before the neurons die.
Frances Lund highlighted the need to do drug trials where the concentrations of inflammatory diseases are highest — the Southeast.
In Rome, Frances Lund will talk about the need to do drug trials where the concentrations of chronic inflammatory diseases are highest — the Southeast.
The drug denosumab was superior to a commonly used drug in a 12-month study enrolling 795 patients.
CNine Biosolutions is moving toward clinical testing of its UAB-licensed technology.
UAB researcher will serve on the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Study Section.
Without the transcription factor Sp7, two specialized types of cells that create dentin and enamel fail to mature.
Two graduate students and a UAB program are in the vanguard of efforts to increase underrepresented researchers in neuroscience.
Students from underrepresented groups and from schools with limited research opportunities get stipends and do hands-on research in high-risk, high-reward projects.
Senior Mugdha Mokashi found her passion for public service while earning two degrees and preparing for medical school.
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