Jeff Hansen

Jeff Hansen

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Research Editor | (205) 209-2355

Communicates UAB research discoveries and initiatives from across the university for a variety of audiences.

Specific beats: 

  • Alabama Drug Discovery Alliance
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics 
  • Biomatrix Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 
  • Cell biology 
  • Center for Biophysical Sciences and Engineering 
  • CCTS
  • Center for Metabolic Bone Disease 
  • Microbiology 
  • Neurobiology 
  • Comprehensive Neuroscience Center 
  • Pathology, research shared with MS2
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology 
  • Physiology and Biophysics 
  • UAB Research Foundation/IIE 
  • Research Administration
Knowledge from this study and others may help physicians boost healing and prevent heart failure in patients after a heart attack.
Class of 2017 option 2Chemistry and philosophy classes, a neuro-oncology lab, hospital volunteer work, and the TKE fraternity were all UAB steppingstones for the first-generation American and Florence High School graduate.
Mitochondrial DNA moving to the nucleus contributes to genomic instability in cancer cells, and a novel Fiber-FISH technique can rapidly map the mitochondrial DNA insertions in nuclear genomes.
These microcarriers may offer an entirely different approach to treating solid human tumors of numerous pathologic subtypes by delivering their encapsulated drug cargo to a tumor and protecting against collateral tissue damage.
UAB assays enabled the first genomewide association study of IgA1 O-glycosylation aberrancy in IgA nephropathy, a disease that frequently causes kidney failure.
Failure of hormone deprivation therapy used to slow prostate cancer in patients leads to castration-resistant prostate cancer, a lethal form of advanced disease with limited treatment options. Endostatin, used in combination therapy, may help delay onset of castration-resistant disease.
The findings suggest targeting specific T-cell subsets may be a therapeutic approach to prevent heart failure after a heart attack.
A 90-ton machine called a cyclotron will accelerate protons to very high speeds to impact human tumors.
The function and structure of protein GARP2 in rod cells of the retina is still not clear, but researchers have shown that GARP2 accelerates retinal degeneration in mice, and have made an important step toward creating a standardized nomenclature between mice and humans for a measurement of retinal degeneration.
Tuberculosis kills 1.8 million people a year, and 10 million more are infected. Development of host-cell directed therapies that could restore cellular function during M. tuberculosis infection, such as a “release and kill” strategy, could shorten drug treatment of TB patients.
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