Tehreem Khan

Tehreem Khan

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Public Relations Specialist

tkhan1@uab.edu | (205) 807-2124

Identifies and develops stories that highlight research, faculty news, student stories and beyond at UAB. Connects media with experts to enhance their story.

Specific beats:

  • Collat School of Business 
  • Harbert Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Optometry 
  • Facilities
  • Honors College
  • Office of National and International Fellowships and Schoalrships
  • College of Arts and Sciences
    • Biology 
    • Chemistry 
    • Computer Sciences
    • History    
    • Philosophy
Traditional systems of performance management fail because they can feel punitive. Incorporating continuous feedback and cultivating trust through investing in employee development can help fix the problem. 
Darwin Day is an annual celebration recognized internationally in honor of the birthday and legacy of the historically renowned biologist Charles Darwin.
The project “Go Tell It on Red Mountain” features scholars with expertise on labor history, industrial history, and the lives of those who resided and worked on and around Red Mountain, as well as residents of the Wenonah community.
Brynn Welch, Ph.D., has received the 2024 David W. Concepción Prize for Excellence in Philosophy Teaching, and Lindsay Brainard, Ph.D., received the 2024 Article Prize.
John Hansen, Ph.D., provides insights on what a strong personal brand embodies and how to cultivate it.  
Colton Segars pivoted from history to nursing after working in the Blazer Simulation Lab at the School of Nursing, finding his long-term career interest.
Michael Niederweis, Ph.D., and Cynthia Owsley, Ph.D., who collectively hold 23 patents, have been recognized for approaches to DNA sequencing and detection of impaired dark adaptation, respectively.
Liou Sun’s research group will seek to understand how ceramides and growth hormone signaling contribute to healthier aging, providing meaningful insights to develop innovative therapies for age-related diseases.
David Russell, mentored by his professor, transformed from a curious student into a pioneering researcher in nuclear fuel recycling, earning multiple awards and recognition for his innovative work.
Yusen Zhai discusses grief, its types, ways to cope with it and ways to help others going through a rough patch.
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