Health & Medicine - News
A UAB researcher investigates how lupus develops and why certain demographics are at higher risk of flare-ups.
UAB provides emotional, social and spiritual care beyond the pain of life-threatening illnesses and diseases to help patients have the best quality of life.
Rejuvenate your skin with UAB’s newest line of services through the Department of Dermatology.
Community members and academic investigators have teamed up to publish research in Ethnicity & Disease.
A two-year, $154,000 grant will help Erin Currie, Ph.D., study pediatric palliative care needs in the Deep South.
Sarah-Jeanne Salvy, Ph.D., says the findings of her research emphasize the importance of considering social factors when examining the impact of neighborhood on physical activity.
Vision therapy plays a key role in developing the visual system to help with focusing and eye coordination.
Harden Davis couldn’t walk 30 feet without having shortness of breath; but thanks to UAB doctors, he now breathes easy and has renewed energy.
The UAB School of Nursing and community partners are providing a helping hand for vulnerable first-time mothers through Nurse-Family Partnership®.
The center is funded by a $7 million grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities.
A collaboration between Birmingham AIDS Outreach and the UAB 1917 Clinic looks to provide nutrition support and education to address and prevent the rise of chronic disease in patients living with HIV.
The research team will measure physical-based outcomes as well as emotional-based outcomes from the therapy.
Do you know the warning signs of sepsis? Most Americans don’t … and they should.
Women with substance use disorders now have a comprehensive care program at UAB to help navigate prenatal and postpartum care.
Wellness and healing for RNICU moms comes in many forms, including sewing Halloween costumes for their infants through UAB’s Institute for Arts in Medicine program.
Researchers use compounds found in a combination plant-based diet to successfully prevent and treat ER-negative breast cancer in mice.
A UAB spinoff has received a stage two grant to test a potential solution for malfunctioning vascular access.
UAB Specialty Pharmacy Services has been awarded URAC accreditation in the area of Specialty Pharmacy.
UAB Medicine-Leeds provides patients east of Birmingham a convenient location with ample parking and a full spectrum of imaging capabilities.
Reintegration into school has been a noticeably neglected area of focus in concussion research, particularly in comparison to research on return-to-play. When and how a student should be fully integrated into the classroom are just two questions UAB and Children’s of Alabama researchers are looking to answer.
UAB Medicine has a long history of caring for patients with adult congenital heart disease, and the Alabama Adult Congenital Heart Program is the only one in Alabama and one of a handful in the country that provide continuing care for patients as they move into adulthood.
A blue-light cystoscopy may detect certain bladder cancer tumors more than the use of standard white-light diagnostic testing.
First responders are often unable to get to the scene of an active shooter situation, prompting the UAB trauma service to introduce the Stop the Bleed campaign.
UAB’s team of rehab psychologists provides care and pathways to better the quality of life for patients who suffer from a multitude of traumatic injuries.

Alina Franke registered to donate her bone marrow in Hamburg, Germany, in 2009. She wound up being the one person in 24 million around the world on the Be The Match registry to be the perfect match that Jimmy Roberson needed.

UAB provides ovarian cancer care beyond traditional interventions to include nutrition, supportive care, counseling and genetic testing.
The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center will do whatever it can to work with cancer patients displaced from the storm or otherwise unable to be in the Houston region for tests or treatment.
Registration open for health care summit focused on integrating HIV prevention into primary care.
UAB physicians will present several new treatment regimens available for those with hepatitis C, including some that have shown excellent cure rates.
Health care provider recommendation of HPV vaccines could help decrease secondary cancers in childhood cancer survivors.
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