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It could still take several years before a Zika vaccine is commercially available.
Suffering a serious traumatic brain injury can be a permanently disabling experience, but new research shows that obesity compounds the health problems survivors face in the years after their accident.
Occupational Therapy is a pivotal department within the field of health care, that involves the rehabilitation of individuals who have undergone trauma, or who have mental/physical disabilities, so that they may perform day-to-day tasks efficiently.
Before the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was introduced in 1963, about 3 to 4 million people in the United States got measles every year—and about 500 people a year died.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s single-center kidney transplant chain, considered the longest in the country, reached the mark of 100 kidney recipients on July 20.
Urban Dictionary defines Old Man Strength as “the uncanny ability of older men to lift copious amounts of lumber, heavy furniture and beat their sons in arm wrestling,” which is a pretty accurate definition.
Before you brush today, consider this: Poop is just the beginning of what could possibly be hanging out on your toothbrush.
By protecting infants, children and teens from serious diseases, vaccinations also protect families, schools and communities.
"Services like UAB’s Arts in Medicine program should be available in all health care systems and are truly a complement to traditional medical care.”
Thanks to their anatomical and metabolic similarity to humans, pig organs have been used in xenotransplantation -- the practice of moving organs from one species into another.
Michael Saag, M.D., director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham's Center for AIDS Research, served as the article's lead author.
Scientists have successfully reversed two of the most common and visible effects of aging by 'turning off' a specific gene, in a new study on lab mice.
“If what we care about — whether it’s our children, spouse or other loved ones, our work or some cause that we are passionate about — is harmed or threatened in any way, it is instinctual to want to do something about it,” said Dr. Gaines Lanzi.
"Achieving and maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity following a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are critical goals for recovery," said lead researcher Laura Dreer, from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and her colleagues.
Nearly three-quarters of black adults are likely to develop high blood pressure by the time they turn 55, compared to only half of white adults from the same age range.
Researchers at the University of Alabama, Birmingham are currently enrolling participants for a trial investigating psilocybin, the active compound in psychedelic mushrooms, for cocaine addiction.
There's another study suggesting that the vitamin and mineral supplements bought by millions of Americans do nothing to stave off heart disease.
And scientists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham have revealed a cheap drug commonly used to treat high blood pressure could improve diabetics' symptoms and reduce the amount of insulin they need to take.
Yes lightning is dangerous and should be taken seriously, but did you know it provides benefits to our atmosphere?
When we feel homesick, we’re feeling insecure or uncomfortable with where we are, physically and emotionally.
"URLs of archiving services are extensively shared on 'fringe' communities within Reddit and 4chan to preserve possibly contentious content."
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