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Dr. Parcak, winner of the 2016 TED Prize by the nonprofit forum for “ideas worth spreading,” announced at a talk in Vancouver on Tuesday evening that she would use the $1 million to build “an online interactive citizen science platform” to allow anyone with a computer to discover and monitor archaeological sites.
Sarah Parcak envisions a 21st century army of citizen scientists to battle the looting and destruction of the world's antiquities.
The report says African Americans are nearly three times more likely to have a stroke at the age of 45 than white people. That imbalance decreases over time until disappearing by age 85.
In December 2014, after months of noticing a rapid decline in her lung function, she was admitted to the UAB Hospital in Birmingham, Alabama. While there, doctors had no choice but to place her on ECMO, a type of bypass machine to take over the work her heart and lungs were unable to do.
"What we find, however, is that the risk of stroke in patients over the age of 70 is twice that with stenting than with the surgical CEA procedure."
It is a promising finding at UAB, where the Comprehensive Diabetes Center is currently conducting a first-of-its-kind, JDRF-funded clinical trial using verapamil, a drug that researchers in the School of Medicine have shown completely reverses the disease in mice models.
Specifically, she [Eugenia Kharlampieva] has found that changes in shapes or elasticity of these tiny carriers greatly influence their ability to surmount the drug-delivery hurdles that lie between an injection into a vein and engulfment into a cancer cell.
Thanks to her (Sarah Parcak) innovative work, Parcak was awarded the 2016 TED Prize accompanied by a $1 million grant. It goes to an individual with a creative, bold vision to spark global change.
A new study at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine's Alabama Microbicide Clinical Research Site is looking at postpartum, lactating women's absorption level of an antiretroviral drug called dapivirine. The drug is delivered via a vaginal ring and may help prevent HIV transmission.
Experts discuss the Zika-microcephaly link and the world's response thus far.
The incontinence risk is heightened particularly among men who have sex with men, according to lead author Alayne Markland, D.O., associate professor in the Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care in UAB's School of Medicine.
Alabama-based molecular diagnostics company Circulogene Theranostics announced today that it has signed a research agreement with the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Comprehensive Cancer Center to investigate the efficacy of liquid biopsy for tumor detection and monitoring.
“For every five years of marijuana exposure, one out of two participants would remember one word less.”
Stroke prevention is a more urgent task for physicians treating African Americans—based on that group’s higher risk of having a first-time stroke, Alabama researchers have found.
The program will air on the station in segments in the form of personal reflections and fragments of daily life in the city.
The study consisted of an analysis of paired inspiratory-expiratory computed tomography images from a large multicenter study of current and former smokers from 21 clinical centers across the United States.
The clinic can also provide some answers for patients and families suffering from conditions that have never been identified in the medical literature.
UAB invites the Birmingham community to join us for a TEDxUABLive event to see what Parcak plans to do with the prestigious TED Prize.
Trustees are also scheduled to consider a resolution approving the 2015 master plan for the UAB campus.
The change marks UAB's first minimum wage increase since 2007. It goes into effect with the March 20 pay period and will appear on the April 8 paychecks of more than 1,100 employees.
“As we have found treatments to extend life expectancy, we now face the challenge of helping patients transition from pediatric to adult care.”
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