The award is given to someone who is committed to the GEAR UP movement and exudes the passion and perseverance to assist low-income students in their quest to attain a postsecondary education.
This is the first comprehensive genomic study of cervical cancers in sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on tumors from 212 Ugandan patients. The findings can lead to better treatments.
UAB’s Harsvardhan Singh, Ph.D., says typically, there is no concern if there is no pain associated with knee cracks.
The one-hour workshop “Virtual Classroom Engagement: Lessons Learned from Online Summer Camp” will include advice on how to keep students engaged and focused on a virtual platform.
Twelve of the College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures spring 2020 graduates qualified for the seal, with four earning working biliteracy, the highest level.
UAB’s Department of Family and Community Medicine will launch new programs aimed at reducing the projected shortfall of 600 primary care physicians in the state by 2030.
Abby Garver of Hoover graduates from UAB with degrees in French and Spanish and made the Presidential Honor roll after learning a foreign language became a “haven” from mental illness.
O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center at UAB is partnering with the Alabama Department of Public Health for expanded cervical cancer screening and education in 13 counties.
Ayda Nambayan stays active in the health care community in the Philippines.
The pilot projects will yield payoffs down the road from the knowledge UAB researchers gain. Preliminary data from the pilots will form the basis for new grants and contracts, including pursuit of the $2 billion COVID-19 grant support being offered by the National Institutes of Health.
Learn about the impact on human rights and the rights to education during COVID-19.
In Sunday’s historic SpaceX crewed splashdown, two UAB-built freezers, a Polar and a Glacier, were on board the capsule.
Vladimir Parpura, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the Department of Neurobiology has been selected as a fellow of the American Physiological Society.
This strategy will allow for ramping up testing capacity tenfold for the next 20-plus days leading up to the start of school.
The graduate ceremony, with approximately 1,262 graduating master’s and doctoral students, will air at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 14, while the undergraduate, with approximately 583 students, will air at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 15.
The fund was created to provide emergency aid to more than 1,000 students. More students have been recommended for approval to receive assistance, but the funds aren’t available.
Partnership Increases Access, Support for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Platform
Thomas Buford to head the UAB Center for Exercise Medicine as the new director starting Aug. 1, 2020.
Cooper Pierce was 13 years old when doctors diagnosed him with pulmonary hypertension. He had a heart and double-lung transplant at UAB Hospital. Now, he is a student at UAB and hopes his story can inspire others.
GuideSafe is the uniting platform/brand for ongoing communication about COVID-19 testing, tools and actions to promote a safe entry to higher education campuses and ongoing COVID-19 monitoring for students and the community at large.