Both dogs and people get brain tumors, and UAB researchers are studying a therapy developed for humans that might also work on dogs.
A UAB School of Dentistry professor has received a career award from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.
Biomedical engineering students designed the G-PAC – Gaming Platform for Activity and Coordination – to bring healthy activities for the millions of Americans in nursing facilities.
SAFER Barriers, an invention from the UAB School of Engineering, have been honored for their safety innovation by SAE International.
A UAB professor wrote guidelines for nutrition therapy for HIV-positive patients.
The Smart Bracelet, designed by UAB researchers, automatically detects signs of physical assault and alerts emergency personnel of the user’s location.
Music therapists recorded Steven Eaise’s heartbeat while he was a patient at the Center for Palliative and Supportive Care, then incorporated it into a song they recorded.
Gary Warner, cybersecurity expert and director of Research in Computer Forensics, offers tips on which Facebook settings to pay close attention to.
UAB will establish a medical office building to house primary care and other medical specialties in the Stadium Trace Village development along I-459 in Hoover.
Without the transcription factor Sp7, two specialized types of cells that create dentin and enamel fail to mature.
The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Rotary Clubs of Birmingham and Colombo lead the way in eliminating cervical cancer as a public health problem in Sri Lanka.
Before they graduate, the seniors will help deliver one more musical when “Hairspray” takes the stage April 11-15.
Research by undergraduates Jessica Pham and Christine Nguyen on the structure of bat coronavirus HKU4 could eventually be used to design new drugs to fight human threats.
In 2018, there will be more than 650,000 new cases of oral, head and neck cancers diagnosed worldwide, but early screening and diagnosis can more than double a patient’s chances of survival.
Senior Nina Morgan's UAB Sustainability Asset Map offers an interactive look at dozens of green initiatives across campus and in the surrounding community.
A Dothan man is back on the hiking trail following a rare soft tissue tumor treated by UAB’s “Sarcoma King.”
The scholarship will support students from the state of Alabama who demonstrate financial need and come from a disadvantaged background.
Kane Agan, a senior majoring in public health, is helping Dr. Douglas Fry study the attributes of societies where interpersonal violence is rare.
The May 4 UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center Fiesta Ball will support the work of young cancer research scientists and cancer outreach efforts.
Professor Emeritus Ward Haarbauer will present “Cholera, Railroad Lanterns, and a Ship on a Lake: Birmingham Theatre in the 19th Century.”