Dual degree will prepare graduates to pursue clinical and administrative career opportunities in the eye care field.
A flexible, 100 percent online-based program will blend engineering and business curricula to prepare students for the growing industrial distribution industry.
Students from Medium: Art Club at UAB will exhibit selected works in a juried exhibition, while Assistant Professor of Sculpture Stacey Holloway’s solo exhibition, “Herds,” will also be on view. A free reception is set for July 15.
UAB’s program for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO, has won a Gold Level Award for Excellence.
PaintFest America, a nationwide tour engaging cancer communities in the healing power of art, visits UAB on July 14.
Walker will help identify which types of businesses embrace or overlook the importance of cybersecurity, and help capture best practices to increase the adoption of cybersecurity technologies.
The ecRNAs appear to act in memory formation, and may offer a new therapeutic approach to neuropsychiatric diseases.
Fun and games play a crucial role in helping kids prepare their brains, bodies, and social skills for the rest of their lives. But can playtime survive the age of smartphones and packed schedules? UAB occupational therapy faculty and students offer pointers for play.
The program is the first of its kind to incorporate research and medical training in genomics.
The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program says UAB meets all criteria as a Comprehensive Center to deliver safe, high-quality bariatric patient care.
BCRFA is accepting proposals for a two-year collaborative breast cancer research award among the UAB Cancer Center, Southern Research and HudsonAlpha.
The biomarker, the protein kinase LRRK2, is a promising candidate for future exploration.
Clinic opens Aug. 1 and will initially offer urology, gastroenterology, endocrinology and rheumatology care.
The Alabama-focused summit will showcase how telehealth is impacting and transforming the delivery of health care around the state
Developing and maintaining a healthy relationship with food is a lifelong pursuit, not a sprint to the finish line. Start by eating real foods that you enjoy, and feed your body in a way that optimizes your own health.
A UAB psychologist discusses addiction and recognizing the symptoms of mental illness in adults and children.
Nicholas Dionne-Odom, Ph.D., will use a five-year, $935,000 award to research and develop a health-coaching program to support family caregivers for persons with advanced cancer and help them stay healthy and functioning at a high level.
Knowing when an asteroid could impact Earth would be nice, but learning more about super volcanoes might be more prudent.
High mosquito and human population densities, combined with mosquito breeding conditions, are the central cause for Zika virus.
The grant will provide Bail a total of $30,000 of support over two years as she enters the dissertation phase of her studies.