Bachelor of marketing degree will include four subject concentrations.

Master's of engineering management degree will be offered.

Programs in Health Professions, Engineering and Education schools change names.

Nelson will be professor emerita of pediatrics.

Milby will be professor emeritus of psychology.

New endowed professorship in comprehensive dentistry established.

Elewski will be the first holder of an endowed professorship in graduate education.

Sanderson will hold an endowed professorship in cancer pathobiology.

Ponnazhagan will hold endowed professorship in experimental cancer therapeutics.

Heslin will hold endowed professorship in gastrointestinal oncology.

Professor and associate director of the UAB Aging Center will hold an endowed chair in psychology.

The School of Medicine will now have a urology department.

Quilt display, picnic mark National Donate Life Month for area organ donors and recipients.

Half of Alabama’s 2012 Goldwater Scholars studying at UAB.

The network connects community dental-care providers with researchers to improve day-to-day issues in oral health care.

Physicians and caregivers need to carefully monitor decision-making ability in patients with head injury, say UAB researchers.

Master's student wins summer travel grant to further biomedical engineering work.

Industrial distribution scholarship goes to UAB business student.

Biology senior named to USA Today academic list.

Grant will fund UAB pathobiology student's research for three years.