People of UAB - News
This summer, some young campers are learning survival skills—the kind involving budgeting and saving money. It’s one facet of the Regions Institute for Financial Education at UAB, which gives kids, parents, college students, and the public the tools for success. Discover how the nuts and bolts of dollars and cents can pay dividends for life.
Arts faculty from the UAB College of Arts and Sciences are taking time this summer to practice their art forms and share their skills with students and audiences here and around the globe.
Eric Wallace is piloting telehealth program, which he says could open the door for Alabamians in rural communities to receive more subspecialized care without traveling long distances.
New Living Donor Navigator Program tailored to African-Americans and a new Facebook app aim to increase access to living kidney transplants and reduce the number of patients awaiting transplant.

Only 151 computer scientists worldwide were recognized as senior members by the ACM in 2015.
This competitive award recognizes outstanding achievements and contributions to VA research and provides five years of salary support.
Wick Many, associate dean in Montgomery, named one of 10 leaders of the River Region by Montgomery Advertiser.
UAB investigators will present innovative patient-centered research at the American Society of Clinical Oncology national meeting.
The new chair named to lead UAB’s Department of Pathology has a strong background in personalized medicine, clinical care and basic science research.
UAB helps make Alabama one of the best places to practice medicine.
ACOG recognizes G. Wright Bates, M.D., for making a difference and positive impact as a mentor.
Do, a student leadership staffer, is among a group of 10 people selected from across the country as “White House Champions of Change for Asian-American and Pacific Islander Art and Storytelling.” He will travel to Washington, D.C., for a two-day visit May 4-5.
With a legacy of leadership, UAB National Pan-Hellenic Council has demonstrated exemplary service and commitment to academic excellence for many years.
Chapman’s new works were inspired by the 108 days the family spent waiting for his daughter’s heart transplant. Also featured are works made by his daughter and her fellow pediatric heart patients as they awaited organ transplants.
UAB School of Medicine alumnus uses his talents and his faith to give the gift of sight to those in Kenya and Alabama.
The renowned Association of American Physicians has selected four UAB physicians for induction.
Workshops and seminars targeted to female surgeons are planned from 7 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday, April 26.
Four UAB faculty members are named to endowed chair or professorship positions by the Board of Trustees.
Courtney Walker becomes UAB’s 21st Goldwater Scholarship recipient.
Nathaniel Lawson, DMD, assistant professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham School of Dentistry, is the recipient of the 2015 John W. Stanford New Investigator Award given by the American Dental Association.
Gift from United Therapeutics will establish Xenotransplantation Institute and bring additional resources to support the endeavor with a goal of genetically modified kidney transplants taking place by 2021.
Tector’s arrival will bring the addition of a multivisceral and small bowel transplant program to UAB’s Division of Transplantation.
UAB professor awarded $15,000 for work in palliative care.
UAB serves as host site of National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence workshop to develop best practices to safeguard customer profiles.
Two-hour special, “Vikings Unearthed,” featuring UAB professor Sarah Parcak will premier online Monday, April 4, and will broadcast Wednesday, April 6, on PBS.
Greg Kennedy wants to raise the profile of GI surgery division, which he says “is one of the most talented divisions as a group in the United States.”
Gregory Pence, Ph.D., international expert on the ethics of human cloning, discusses the science behind the hit TV show, when it gets the science right and when it doesn’t.
The fellowship will help further the completion of the first study, bilingual edition of a centuries old legal case.
A gift from Dialysis Clinic, Inc., in honor of a longtime professor of nephrology will be used to fund the DCI Edwin A. Rutsky, M.D., Distinguished Endowed Chair in Nephrology in the UAB School of Medicine
UAB receives American Cancer Society grant to foster early career development in junior faculty conducting cancer research.
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