People of UAB - News
A UAB researcher focusing on the epigenetics of drug abuse wins a significant funding award from the National Institutes of Health.
Heaton will help oversee the scientific peer-reviewed journal Workplace Health and Safety: Promoting Environments Conducive to Well-Being and Productivity.
Abou-Arraj’s fellowship will involve developing a novel technology of a targeted delivery of growth factors to dental implant and root surfaces.
UAB’s David Pollock, Ph.D., recently visited Cuba with a delegation from the American Physiological Society to sign a historic agreement for research collaboration with Cuban counterparts.
Deadlines for abstracts are set for early fall and are open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and residents.
A national expert in the biomedical engineering field will chair UAB’s joint department beginning Oct. 1.
The Leadership in Research Award, which recognizes outstanding leadership, is given at the discretion of the SNRS Board of Directors.
A UAB scientist has received a prestigious international award for contributions to biobanking.
Kasman’s other recent wins include the  National Federation of Music Clubs Student/Collegiate Auditions, LaGrange Symphony Young Artist Concerto Competition, and AMTA State College Concerto and Solo Performance auditions.
A UAB study to explore the effects of intraocular pressure fluctuations on glaucoma receives federal funding.
George Howard, Dr.P.H., will receive the Ernest Everett Just award in Medical and Public Health Research.
UAB’s William Bailey honored by his alma mater with a lifetime achievement award for 50 years of exemplary service in medicine.

UAB is one of five centers named to host the first class of fellows in the Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement Disorders.

Kasman will perform the little-known masterpiece, which is extremely difficult, with the country’s leading orchestra and conductor, Volodymyr Sirenko.

Suresh Boppana, M.D., received the award at the fifth annual International Congenital CMV Conference in Brisbane, Australia.
UAB researcher awarded first joint AACR- TNBC Foundation Career Development Award focused specifically on triple negative breast cancer.
Research published in The American Journal of Medicine reports that gender disparities in income aren’t a problem just for women in medium- and lower-wage positions.
The American College of Emergency Physicians has named UAB’s Dave Pigott as Spokesperson of the Year for his communications efforts during the Ebola outbreak.
Tammy Than, O.D., has been named the American Optometric Association Educator of the Year.
Here’s a look at the many fellowships, scholarships, honors and awards earned by the talented 2015 spring graduates at UAB.
Ragland is the visual media and outreach coordinator for the Department of Art and Art History, where he also teaches photography.

UAB Girls in Science and Engineering Day to be held Saturday, May 2.

UAB physician chosen to lead state chapter of the American College of Physicians.
Four School of Education faculty members to present at American Educational Research Association annual meeting.

UAB senior will research Alzheimer’s disease abroad through prestigious scholarship program.

Allison, associate dean for Science in the UAB School of Public Health, is recognized for his contributions to the F1000 recommendation service.

UAB’s Chiasera cited as an emerging university leader by being named Fellow of the American Council on Education.

Lisa Tamiris Becker directs a research center like no other at UAB—the Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts, which explores the meaning, context, and history of art from around the world. Get to know Birmingham’s newest cultural ambassador as she pursues artistic breakthroughs and previews upcoming exhibitions in UAB Magazine.
American Institute of Chemical Engineers grants service award to Peters.
Curtis A. Carver Jr., Ph.D., comes to UAB from the Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia, where he served as vice chancellor and chief information officer.
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