People of UAB - News
The director of UAB’s Hugh Kaul Precision Medicine Institute will present the groundbreaking work taking place in the institute and the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center to identify and treat cancer.
Grover takes permanent role after serving as interim CEO since November 2017.
Sean Hall, Ph.D., has been selected to receive the AARC Journal Editor’s Research Award by the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling.
A pediatric neurology researcher has been awarded a substantial grant to study a neuromuscular disease further.
Philosophy’s Brynn Welch turned a real-life experience into practical change — first through scholarly research, then a children’s book and now the classroom.
Two brothers who are 10 years apart graduated on the same day from the School of Nursing.
Bertha Hidalgo, Ph.D., will help the organization continue to educate and advocate for epidemiologists in their efforts to promote good science and public health.
UAB will work with the state and local health departments across Alabama and seven other states to make sure employees are receiving proper training.
UAB rheumatologist awarded funds by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute to implement decision-aid resources for lupus patients.
Michael Minor takes the helm of BREMSS, the coordinating agency for emergency medical response in central Alabama, following the retirement of Joe Acker.
Lewis will provide the Institutional Effectiveness and Academic Planning team direction and context critical for developing the support needed to implement UAB’s strategic plan.
Kirklin has been involved with the American Heart Association in various capacities for more than 20 years.
“Women influence each other while no one is watching,” says anthropology graduate student Ajanet Rountree.
Autumn Tooms Cyprès joined UAB as the new dean of the School of Education on July 1.
Optometry professors have received grants to continue eye care research.
Graduate student expands knowledge of beamlines within physics through 20th National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering.
The award recognizes UAB’s commitment to the AUPHA vision to develop leaders who possess the values and competencies necessary to drive improvement throughout the health system.
In this role, Bertha Hidalgo, Ph.D., will help provide input on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s strategic research priorities and scientific opportunities.
Rosianna Gray, Ph.D., visits with STEM students and professionals in the Czech Republic to discuss and encourage diversity within the field.
Kindergarten teacher Heather Simpson has been awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching.
An assistant professor in UAB’s Department of Urology receives K08 grant.
UAB Physics researcher continues to identify inexpensive ways to laser print with small functional devices.
Cayla Hamilton has been recognized for outstanding achievement by the National Spanish Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi.
Stacey Holloway, assistant professor of sculpture, partnered with colleagues to publish a collection of letters to a fictional young iron-caster written by 21 iron-casting innovators.
Gaston served many roles in more than 30 years at UAB.
Turan’s top priority as the director of the Sparkman Center is to provide more opportunities for students, faculty and health professionals to work together to solve global health problems.
Paul Muntner, Ph.D., will be responsible for setting up an effective office of research and facilitating research and funding applications for the School of Public Health.
Heather McPherson, Ph.D., was awarded the 2018 Ireland Prize for Scholarly Distinction.
The new chair of the Department of Family and Community Medicine comes to UAB from the Greenville Health System and the University of South Carolina School of Medicine.
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