Research - News
UAB researchers led a team that discovered that a smoking-related condition called expiratory airway collapse — often thought inconsequential — is associated with lung disease.
Discover Magazine names UABresearch among top 100 stories of 2015.
UAB researchers find that epigenetic changes associated with chronic obesity alter expression of memory-related genes in the brain.
Recognition of a new pathway may change the treatment of allergic diseases.
A UAB study found that minority Americans who encounter discriminatory sentiments and actions are more likely to experience panic attacks, and smoking or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol were also identified as factors.
Research shows blacks are nearly three times more likely to have a stroke at age 45 than whites.
Cortisol levels that indicate increased stress response are higher in adolescents with sleep problems.
UAB-led research shows how methylating an RNA binding protein leads to alternative RNA splicing. Mutant enzymes are often found in blood cancers.
UAB’s Loretta T. Lee, Ph.D., will seek to examine the relationship between social support and intuitive eating with glycemic control in older African-American men with type 2 diabetes.
A UAB study reconfirms that single-dose azithromycin remains an effective treatment for chlamydia, especially when drug adherence is an issue.
Best of 2015 2The intensive intervention was four hours a day, five days a week, for a total of 200 hours of face-to-face instruction, and neuroimaging revealed brain connectivity changes.
From rapid diagnostic tools to next-generation therapies, UAB researchers are leading a multidisciplinary effort against traumatic brain injuries.

Best of 2015 2Neuron-derived microRNAs obtained from blood samples may correlate with treatment response and could aid the search for new therapeutics.

Best of 2015The computer brains inside autonomous vehicles will be fast enough to make life-or-death decisions. But should they? A member of UAB’s national championship-winning Bioethics Bowl team — and the team’s coach, a renowned bioethicist — weigh in on a thorny problem of the dawning robot age.
Study shows that poor diet heightens hypersensitivity, which may amplify symptoms in chronic pain conditions.
Research suggests a link between short sleep and obesity from secondary eating and drinking while engaged in another activity.
Best of 2015 2Telemedicine helps UAB take pulmonary rehabilitation into the home via smartphone technology, in an effort to reduce hospital readmissions from COPD.
Best of 2015 2Stylish but dangerous? UAB study looks at injuries caused by wearing high-heeled shoes.
UAB researchers say how long your eyes take to adjust to the dark may be a risk factor for age-related macular degeneration.
UAB’s J. Crawford Downs, Ph.D., has received another grant to bring the relationship between age, intraocular pressure and glaucoma development into focus.
UAB is using an online survey to learn more about the relationship between diet and gout.
The methods used to gather data for the U.S. Dietary Guidelines are flawed and should be discarded, researchers say.
Research underway in UAB’s Mood Disorders Program is investigating promising new therapies, including novel drugs and low field magnetic stimulation.
The best breathing tube for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is the subject of UAB-led national study.
Scientific breakthroughs can change the world—but only if they can break out of the lab first. Students in UAB’s biotechnology master’s program capitalize on UAB discoveries by translating them into new medical treatments and potential start-up companies. See how a mix of scientific knowledge and business sense helps them do it.
UAB Research Administration carefully invests to keep investigators competitive in an era of tight grant funding.
A UAB/Children’s of Alabama/Cincinnati Children’s study finds genetic risk for fatal inflammatory disorder linked to viral infection.
The Alzheimer’s plaques that accumulate around brain cells also congregate along the walls of blood vessels, according to UAB research, and that may contribute to cognitive issues.
A diabetes drug combined with exercise may help older adults regrow muscle, and UAB’s Center for Exercise Medicine is investigating.
HudsonAlpha opens a genomics clinic in Huntsville, part of a collaboration with UAB and Children’s of Alabama.
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