BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Homecoming Week, Nov. 1-7, will be a time of both tradition and public service with activities that will include the annual hospital Gurney Derby and Homecoming parade, as well as a blood drive and a service project to help the hungry.
The Homecoming game is set for 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 7 when the UAB Blazers take on the Florida Atlantic University Owls at Legion Field.
Homecoming week begins Sunday, Nov. 1 when the UAB Women's Volleyball team takes on Southern Mississippi at 1 p.m. at Bartow Arena, 617 13th St. South.
Later that day, students will take part in the annual Paint the Town Green and Gold event, decorating the windows of campus buildings and local businesses on Birmingham's Southside. Students and staff will meet at 2 p.m. Nov. 1 on the Hill University Center Concourse, 1400 University Blvd., before they begin.
Other activities:
Monday, Nov. 2
- School of Health Professions Alumni Breakfast - 7:30 to 9 a.m. in Children's Hospital Bradley Room, 1600 Seventh Ave. South. The event is open to UAB School of Health Professions alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Call 996-5930 to R.S.V.P.
- School of Business Homecoming Blood Drive - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the UAB School of Business, west parking lot, 1150 10th Ave. South.
- Second annual Occupational Therapy Alumni and Student Golf Tournament - Pine Tree Golf & Country Club, 5100 Pine Whispers Drive, Birmingham. The tournament is sponsored by the UAB School of Health Professions and benefits the Carroline "Cat" Amari Endowed Scholarship Fund. Check-in will be held noon to 1 p.m. Shotgun start at 1 p.m. The cost is $125 per golfer. The event is open to students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends. Register by calling 996-5930 by Oct. 30.
- School of Dentistry Student Pizza Luncheon - Noon in UAB School of Dentistry Room 639, Greer Lounge, 1919 Seventh Ave. South. The event is open to UAB dentistry students and alumni only.
- The 2009 Distinguished Psychology Alumni Award Presentation - 3:30 p.m. in Campbell Hall Lecture Room 327, 1300 University Blvd. This year's alumni award will be presented to Texas A & M University Professor and UAB Psychology alum Eddie Harmon Jones, Ph.D. During the ceremony, Jones will deliver his address, "Separating Motivational Direction from Emotional Valence: Implication for Asymmetrical Frontal Cortical Activity, Anger and Positive Emotion." The event is open to UAB students, faculty and psychology alumni. Call the UAB Department of Psychology at 934-3850 for more details.
- Blazer Hustle - 7 p.m. in the Commons on the Green, 900 16th St. South. Teams will race around campus in search of answers to clues they will receive. Participants will have fun and learn about UAB. Registration begins at 6:15 p.m. at the Commons on the Green. Teams will consist of three to 15 people. The first 20 groups to sign up will be accepted. For more details, contact Jason Meier, UAB Office of Student Involvement, at 934-8225.
- Pancakes and Karaoke - 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Commons on the Green, 900 16th St. South. Students can enjoy food and fun entertainment. Student IDs will be required.
Tuesday, Nov. 3
- School of Nursing Building Decoration Cookout - 11:30 a.m. in front of the School of Nursing Building, 1701 University Blvd. In preparation for UAB's annual Homecoming Building Decoration Contest on Nov. 3, UAB nursing students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends will gather to show school spirit.
- School of Engineering: Growing in Tradition, Judgment Feast - Noon in Hoehn Engineering Building, 1075 13th St. South; UAB engineering students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends will gather to show their school spirit prior to the UAB Homecoming Building Decoration Contest.
- School of Business "Dunk Your Favorite Professor" -1 to 3 p.m. on the east lawn of the UAB School of Business, 1150 10th Ave. South, hosted by the school's chapter of the American Marketing Association. Business professors will be in the dunk booth and students can toss a ball for a small fee to try and send them into the water.
- Free Laptop Security Screenings - 1 to 3 p.m. in the UAB School of Business Room 107, 1150 10th Ave. South. The UAB School of Business chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals will offer free laptop security screenings to students and alumni through Nov. 5.
- Lecture on UAB's History - 4 to 5 p.m. in UAB Mervyn H. Sterne Library Henley Room, 917 13th St. South. The guest speaker will be UAB history Professor Tennant McWilliams, Ph.D., author of New Lights in the Valley: The Emergence of UAB. The event is open to the public.
- UAB African-American Studies Lecture - 6 to 8 p.m. in the UAB Mary Culp Hulsey Recital Hall, 950 13th St. South. The UAB African-American Studies Program will present a lecture by Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame member Frank Adams Sr. The event is free and open to the public. Call Vern C. Bush at 975-9652 for details.
- Annual Homecoming Stompdown - 7 p.m. in the UAB Campus Recreation Center, 1501 University Blvd. Students will dance, step and perform skits. The event is free and open to the public and is sponsored by the UAB Homecoming Committee.
Wednesday, Nov. 4
- School of Business: Hands on Birmingham Service Project - The UAB School of Business student leaders will host a service project for Community Kitchens of Birmingham at the St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, 1024 12th St. South. Students will help with the labeling, stuffing and addressing of holiday cards related to the Community Kitchens' holiday donation drive. Contact Abby Westerhold at 996-9453 for more details.
- Gurney Derby Race - Noon at 13th Street South between University Boulevard and Ninth Avenue South. Registration is at 11 a.m. In one of UAB's oldest traditions, teams consisting of students and staff members dressed in costumes will race hospital gurneys down 13th Street South to University Boulevard and back. The starting gate is in front of the Humanities Building, 900 13th St. South. Teams will compete for prizes. The event is sponsored by the UAB National Alumni Society. Prior to the races at 11:30 a.m. students, alumni, faculty staff and friends can enjoy cocoa and cookies provided by the UAB Mervyn H. Sterne Library near the starting gate.
- Student Homecoming Cookout - 12:30 p.m. in the UAB Mini Park at University Boulevard and 14th Street South (Rain location at the Hill University Center, Great Hall, 1400 University Blvd.) The event is free and open to UAB students, faculty and staff with valid ID.
- Free Laptop Security Screenings -1 to 3 p.m. in the UAB School of Business wing Room 107, 1150 10th Ave. South. The UAB School of Business chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals will offer free laptop security screenings to students and alumni through Nov. 5.
- Graduates of the Past Decade, Gold Reception - 6 to 8 p.m. at Jackson's Bar and Bistro, SoHo Square, 1831 28th Ave. South in Homewood. This is a free event for those who graduated from the UAB School of Health Professions from 1999 to 2009. R.S.V.P., by calling Makenzi Hamilton-Tew at 996-5930.
- Casino Night - 7 p.m. in Hill University Center Great Hall, 1400 University Blvd. Students can enjoy a night of blackjack, Texas Hold 'Em and other games. Student IDs required.
Thursday, Nov. 5
- School of Business MBA Homecoming Breakfast - 7 a.m. inside the Commons on the Green, 900 16th St. South. The event is open to UAB School of Business students, alumni, faculty and staff. Contact Glenn Kinstler at
- School of Health Professions Alumni Breakfast - 7:30 to 9 a.m. in St. Vincent's Hospital Bruno Conference Center Auditorium, 810 St. Vincent's Drive. The event is free. R.S.V.P., by calling Makenzi Hamilton-Tew at 996-5930.
- School of Health Professions Alumni Luncheon - 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the UAB Hospital North Pavilion Atrium; R.S.V.P. by calling Makenzi Hamilton-Tew at 996-5930.
- School of Arts and Humanities Tent Party - 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the lawn of the UAB Humanities Building, 900 13th St. South. The event is open to UAB Arts and Humanities students, faculty, staff and alumni.
- Free Laptop Security Screenings - 1 to 3 p.m. in the UAB School of Business wing Room 107, 1150 10th Ave. South. The UAB School of Business chapter of the Association of Information Technology Professionals will offer free laptop security screenings to students and alumni. The event ends today.
- School of Engineering: Society of Women Engineers Ice Cream Social - 2 p.m. in Hoehn Engineering Building Lobby, 1075 13th St. South. The event is free and open to UAB engineering students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends.
- Nursing Through the Decades Movie Night - 4 to 7 p.m. in the UAB School of Nursing Auditorium, 1701 University Blvd. The event will include a screening of the film "Florence Nightingale" starring Jaclyn Smith. The event is open to the public.
- School of Business Coffee Break - 4 to 5:30 p.m. in the UAB Business-Engineering Lobby, 1150 10th Ave. South. Grab a cup of coffee and mingle with students, faculty and staff.
- University Honors Program Alumni Reception & First Thursday Lecture - 6 to 8 p.m. in the UAB Spencer Honors House, 1190 10th Ave. South. Join the University Honors Program students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends for a reception followed by the UAB First Thursday Lecture Series featuring author and renowned defender of the theory of evolution, Kenneth R. Miller, Ph.D. Miller will discuss "Darwin, God, & Design: America's Continuing Problem with Evolution." The reception and lecture are free and open to the public. Call the UAB University Honors Program at 934-3228 for more details.
- Blaze the Night Pep Rally and Bonfire - 7 p.m. at the UAB Mini Park on the corner of 14th Street South and University Boulevard.
Friday, Nov. 6
- Annual Homecoming Parade - Noon. (In case of rain, the parade will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 7.) The parade will feature floats, the Blazer Marching Band and more. The parade grand marshal will be Fox 6 News anchor Janice Rogers. Marchers will begin lining up on 14th Street South from University Boulevard at 10 a.m. The parade will proceed south on 14th Street South to 10th Avenue South. The parade will then turn east onto 10th Avenue South and will continue to 19th Street South. The parade will then turn north onto 19th Street South and proceed to University Boulevard. The parade will then turn west onto University Boulevard and continue to 14th Street South where it will end.
- School of Engineering Parade Pizza Party - UAB Hoehn Engineering Building lobby, 1075 13th St. South, immediately after the Homecoming Parade. The event is open for UAB engineering students, faculty, staff and friends.
- School of Nursing Parade Pizza Party - UAB School of Nursing at 1701 University Blvd., immediately after the Homecoming Parade. The event is open for UAB nursing students, faculty, staff and friends.
- Homecoming Softball Tournament - 5 p.m. at the UAB Intramural Fields on 11th Avenue South, behind the Alys Stephens Center. Game 1 features the School of Business versus the School of Education. Game 2 is the School of Nursing versus the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
- UAB Black Alumni Chapter: Homecoming Reunion Reception - 6-8 p.m., at Cantina at Pepper Place, 2901 Second Ave. S. The event is free. For more information, call the UAB Office of Alumni Affairs at 934-3555.
- UAB National PanHellenic Step Show - Doors open at 7 p.m. at the UAB Campus Recreation Center, 1501 University Blvd. The UAB National Pan-Hellenic Council presents a traditional Greek step show. Stepping combines many dance elements from the past and uses complex maneuvers between participants, giving each group its own unique style. Stepping is a significant part of undergraduate participation for many African-American sororities and fraternities. Tickets can be purchased at the UAB Ticket Office in the Hill University Center Room 112, 1400 University Blvd. Tickets are $5 for UAB students with ID and $8 for the general public with ID. Day of the show, tickets are $10.
Saturday, Nov. 7
- Blazer Village - Begins at 11 a.m. at Legion Field. The event features tailgate parties, food, giveaways and more.
- Homecoming Game - The UAB Blazers will take on the Florida Atlantic University Owls at 1 p.m. at Legion Field.
About UAB
Known for its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to education at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, UAB is an internationally renowned research university and academic medical center. Click here to learn more about applying to UAB.