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The Biostatistics Consulting Service Unit provides statistical consulting to medical researchers for small projects and training for the biostatistics graduate student in consulting. Assistance is available in study design, power calculations, plans for data management, quality control, monitoring, statistical analyses, manuscript preparation, and writing grant applications. Investigators are encouraged to consult early in the process — i.e., when planning their study — but assistance will be provided at any point in the research process. Data brought to the unit will not be used except for relevant analyses without the expressed consent of the investigator. IRB /HIPAA approval for analysis of the data must be obtained before work can be done.

Preparation for Initial Consultation

The initial consultation will enable the investigator to present the research project and allow the statistician to evaluate the amount and type of assistance needed. The materials needed at the initial consultation depend on the status of the research. If it is in the planning stages, a copy of the specific aims and a preliminary draft of the protocol/grant along with relevant papers from the literature should be provided. If the data has already been collected, a copy of the protocol/grant and data collection forms should be provided. In addition, a printout of the data or a list of variables available should be brought to the meeting. The actual data can be brought on disk at that time or be provided later in a format that is mutually available to the investigator and statistician.


The initial consultation is free of charge. After the initial consultation, the current cost is $125 per hour. A budget will be prepared and approved before the work is done.

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