Explore UAB

Project type Comments Total fee
DNA microinjection 150 fertilized oocytes injected $3,900
Gene targeting No screening (DNA plates to PI) $5,500
With Southern blot screening $7,000
ES cell transfer Inject ≥ 40 blastocysts $3,900
IVF Includes transfer of two-cell embryos to up to six recipient females $2,000
IVF/cryopreservation Includes verification of pregnancy in recipient female using thawed embryos $2,000
Embryo cryopreservation
Standard (test for viable pregnancy) $1,200
Premium (test pregnancy to term) $1,600
Transfer of cryopreserved embryo Transfer of thawed embryos to up to six recipient females $1,000
Rederivation Transfer of fertilized oocytes to up to six recipient females $1,200
1-2 males per line.  Motility of thawed sperm tested. $350