Explore UAB

Dr. Mitchell Messner

Hometown: Hutchinson, MN

Undergraduate: Corncordia College; Moorhead, MN

Medical School: University of North Dakota; Grand Forks, ND

Why I Chose UAB: I immediately felt a strong sense of community amongst the residents when I first visited UAB. I was very impressed with the autonomy the residents had, as well as the volume of cases and operative experience. The faculty are genuinely interested in the lives of the residents on both an educational and personal level. These factors provide a unique, highly supportive educational environment that I did not experience at any of the other programs I considered.

Medical Areas of Interests: Sports, Upper Extremity, Joints, Medicine Missions

Research: Publications on PubMed

Interests/Hobbies: All things outdoors, hockey, baseball, running, biking, hiking, hunting, cooking, traveling, and spending time with my wife.