Four things to know about operating drones at UAB

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erep drone bus park 550pxPhoto by ANDREA MABRY | UAB Communications and MarketingAccording to UAB's Unmanned Aircraft Systems Policy, here is what you need to know.

1. Drone flights require a permit. Anyone who operates a drone on UAB’s campus must receive a permit from the Campus Safety Group in UAB Environmental Health & Safety before flying the drone. This includes contractors.

2. Special considerations for marketing and media imagery. Any drone operator who captures photos or video footage for use in marketing or media materials is required to obtain approval from the Office of Marketing and Communications — in addition to a permit from EHS Campus Safety — before using the photos or video footage for such purpose.

3. Conditions must be met to receive a permit. Campus Safety issues permits at the operator’s request but reserves the right to deny the permit if certain conditions are not met. These include items such as:

  • FAA registration,
  • operator’s license, and
  • a flight plan detailing when and where the drone will be flown and for what purpose.

4. No recreational use. Drones flown for recreational purposes are not allowed on campus.

Read UAB’s full Unmanned Aircraft Systems Policy here.

Reach out to Campus Safety at (205) 934-2487 if you have any specific questions or need further guidance.