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A critical component of the institute’s mission is to understand the underlying causes of the health issues faced by cancer survivors through the conduct of cutting edge research by outstanding researchers within the institute and in partnership with cancer survivors. The research team will use the research results to develop interventions to improve the health and well-being of cancer survivors across all walks of life.

ICOS members include epidemiologists, physician scientists, behavioral scientists, nurse scientists and molecular biologists. Investigators in ICOS are provided with state-of-the-art services and supplies, to support both clinical and basic medical research, thus facilitating the transitional research that is integral to our institute's mission. ICOS members are examining the health outcomes and quality of life in cancer survivors across all cancer diagnoses, all ages, and across the entire trajectory of disease (diagnosis to end-of-life). They are attempting to understand causes of disparities in cancer outcomes. They are also developing studies to understand the molecular basis for adverse outcomes experienced by cancer survivors. ICOS members have the expertise and are studying the economic burden of cancer care across the entire trajectory of disease. The overarching goal of the research conducted within ICOS is to reduce the bruden of morbidity carried by cancer survivors and to optimize their quality of life.