Shannon Thomason

Shannon Thomason

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Public Relations Specialist | (205) 975-8858

Identifies and develops stories that highlight the arts, faculty news, student stories and beyond a UAB. Connects media with experts to enhance their story.

Specific beats: 

  • Advancement
  • The Arts at UAB
    • AEIVA 
    • Alys Stephens Center  
    • Arts in Medicine 
    • ArtPlay   
  • College of Arts and Sciences 
    • Department of Art and Art History 
    • Department of Communication Studies
    • Department of Music 
    • Department of Theatre 
    • Institute for Human Rights
    • Department of World Languages and Literatures
  • The Graduate School 
  • Libraries
  • National Alumni Society 
  • WBHM 
Support the UAB Gospel Choir with the purchase of a new DVD/CD set, from which funds raised will go towards a new tour and a new recording this fall.

Gary Chapman's "The Helmet Project" is scheduled for its first public installation.

“Konza,” a work by sculpture professor John Powers, was commissioned by a Kansas museum and recently installed. It will be on display until May 2013.

Enjoy free concerts and recitals this fall as the UAB Department of Music presents the best faculty, student and guest artist performances.

UAB students will move back to campus with fun activities and a free concert open to everyone by pop singer & songwriter Andy Grammer.

Nearly 700 works of art owned by the UAB are being photographed and archived so that the permanent collection can be viewed online.

Theatre UAB will present “Proof,” “Don’t Trifle with Love,” “Charley’s Aunt,” the 10th annual Festival of 10-Minute Plays & “Bat Boy: The Musical.”

UAB Music will host a one day, non-competitive drumline clinic for marching percussionists with special guest clinician Jeff Queen.

Works by Gary Chapman and John Douglas Powers were among 12 winners selected from 80 works in The Red Clay Survey.

Three UAB professors are among 15 individuals honored with fellowship grants from the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

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