GEAR UP Alabama and UAB will provide college and career counseling to south Alabama students.
“Taj Express” is a high-energy celebration of new India’s pop music, Bollywood culture and deep traditions, featuring colorful costumes, joyful dance and thrilling live music.
The Innovations in Wellness Conference features leaders in the health and wellness field speaking on a range of topics that significantly impact culture today.
A prestigious U54 grant from the NIH will help pediatric infectious disease investigators study rare viral infections.
The event will feature structured learning opportunities and a resource fair, along with a picnic supper and McWane Center’s adventure exhibits.
In patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention for myocardial infarction, use of dual therapy leads to fewer bleeding events with a marginal increase in the risk of ischemic events.
A man who was dying from lung cancer and unable to leave the hospital was baptized in the pool at Spain Rehabilitation Center.
Fall day camps at UAB provide working parents child care opportunities while school is out of session.
UAB creates a new program to enhance faculty development in the health professions through mentoring and innovative teaching resources.
UAB Medicine is notifying affected patients that criminal hackers recently gained access to certain employee email accounts containing patient information.
A UAB School of Education instructor was awarded a Fulbright grant and traveled to Morocco to study local classrooms.
Business analytics concentration allows graduate students an opportunity to learn about data analytics and application.
Alabama’s new Commission on Artificial Intelligence boasts two information leaders from UAB.
Keith was recognized for her commitment and work ethic in the field of social inequalities and health.
The UAB Financial Management Association received a Superior Chapter designation for the 2018-2019 year.
As the fall months approach, the potential for seasonal allergies, runny noses and sinus infections increases.
The week includes the famed Gurney Derby, Hoops at the Hill, a free, sold-out Weezer concert, UAB Football vs. Old Dominion University and more.
Patients with thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas and adrenal tumors will soon have a one-stop shop for endocrine neoplasia treatment.
The annual UAB Innovation Awards Breakfast highlights student, faculty, staff and community innovators for their contributions to research, innovation and entrepreneurship on campus.
For young people, being the victim of violence can lead to risky sexual behavior.