The yearlong residency, a partnership between UAB School of Nursing and the Birmingham Veterans Affairs Medical Center, is open to certified mental health nurse practitioners who have graduated within the past 12 months.
UAB Vision Sciences faculty member will serve with other leaders in his field from across the United States for a term lasting until June 2018.
Martella M. Nelson has been appointed medical librarian for the Montgomery Regional Medical Campus of the UAB School of Medicine and Baptist Medical Center South, effective May 1.
A bus wrapped in UAB student Hannah Rettig’s graphic design will travel neighborhoods surrounding Birmingham’s Woodlawn community schools to provide services to parents.
UAB experts give advice on how youngsters can properly use technology when writing the old-fashioned way.
HIV may now be a chronic, manageable disease for most patients in the United States, but mothers and children in sub-Saharan Africa are still suffering. One UAB School of Public Health researcher hopes to improve their situation. 
2,000 tax returns filed for Birmingham families by UAB students, amounting to $3.3 million in tax refunds.
A five-year, $1.72 million grant will help researchers to identify the role of testosterone and cortisol in health and development of preterm infants and find a measure that will reliably predict those infants most at risk for problems later.
New understanding of roundworm reproduction could have impact on human and animal infertility issues, say UAB scientists.
Contest at UAB will test prowess of Alabama’s top high school computer programmers. 
As part of its ongoing Science, Communication and Innovation talks, Lucas Pozzo-Miller will speak about Rett syndrome.
A college baseball player nearly blinded by a batted ball and a UAB ophthalmologist urge athletes to wear eye protection at all times.
Many people acquire this fungal infection during childhood — but Cryptococcus generally stays dormant in healthy people. It also can re-activate later in life, and one infectious disease expert wants to find out why.
School of Optometry graduates will be honored at the Doctoral Convocation and Hooding Ceremony on May 16.
A year into the UAB strategic planning process, UAB President Ray L. Watts reflects on the institution’s influence and the importance and initial success of the vital campuswide effort.
Applications for the NIGMS Short Course on Statistical Genetics & Genomics will be accepted until May 23. The course will be held July 7-11.
UAB Nathan E. Miles Chair of Ophthalmology has been named chair-elect of the Ethics and Regulations in Human Research Committee of the Association for Research in Vision Science and Ophthalmology.
Renowned scientist Cynthia Brown, M.D., will lead UAB efforts to care for aging patients and patients with advanced or life-threatening illness.
Learn more about causes, therapies and training during UAB Comprehensive Diabetes Center’s annual research day.
The challenge is to address academic, regulatory and financial issues affecting the education of vascular surgeons.