Study presents a fresh perspective on existing research and conflicting evidence in supply-chain and strategic management
Improper storage and care of your toothbrush could make it a harbor for germs, including staph, intestinal bacteria and more.
A new NIH grant could allow researchers to better predict risk factors for patients using blood-thinners by examining the influence of genes, lifestyle, clinical factors and environment.
Need help putting the pack down? The UAB Lung Health Center is here for you.
Artist Amanda Browder will Skype in from New York for community sewing days May 9 and June 30 as the huge fabric installation is created.
Follow some simple tips to stop bug bites or stings from ending your summer fun.

Hear burgeoning musicians, catch the spirit, say goodbye and good luck and celebrate July 4, all with the UAB Department of Music this summer.

With pilot finds from young professionals, Division of Preventive Medicine Assistant Professor Tiffany Carson, Ph.D., will build the foundation of her research program studying factors that influence cancer disparities of black and white women in the South.
The award is presented to a department whose faculty, fellows or residents published one of the most outstanding journal articles in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
CreakyJoints, an online arthritis support community, and UAB are working to gather information directly from patients through smartphones and tablets to find better ways to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.
A free opening reception for both shows is planned for 5-8 p.m. Friday, June 6, at UAB’s Abroms-Engel Institute for the Visual Arts.
Student Rebecca Harper and graduate Markeitra Gilliam won a national directing fellowship and physical theater training scholarship, respectively.
UAB’s president will speak to UAB retirees about campus programs, recent accomplishments and future goals; all current retirees are encouraged to attend.
John Meador has been named UAB’s inaugural dean of libraries
Top university administrators say patents and commercialization of projects should factor into faculty promotions and tenure.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry recognizes UAB scientists’ paper on exosomes, particles that change the behavior of cells, while the research team examines shutting down tumor growth.
The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center has been selected as a  lead academic site and received a prestigious NCI grant that will open up clinical trials across a nationwide network and expand treatment options for patients.
UAB School of Nursing authors show that even though LGBT populations are often grouped together, each is a distinct group with specific health care needs.
UAB’s car will be the first in the competition’s history to feature lightweight carbon-fiber frame.
It may feel literally and figuratively that it is crunch time when it comes to getting summer-ready, but these UAB experts break down easy ways to make health a lifelong achievement beyond this season alone.