Research - News

A study has found that people who remained sedentary after mentally demanding tasks consumed more calories than those who exercised. 

Parcak will enlist the help of citizens from around the world to search for hidden civilizations through an online platform called GlobalXplorer.

Articles published today by UAB and its Geroscience Network collaborators explore new interventions in aging processes as part of an effort to increase the healthy, independent years of life for the elderly. 

A UAB urologist has led the development of extensive guidelines of surgical management of kidney stones.

A wearable cloud make the design of mobile and wearable devices simple, inexpensive and lightweight by having mobile device users tap into the resources of the wearable cloud, instead of relying solely on the capabilities of their mobile hardware. 

UAB researchers have discovered that an infant’s airway — once thought to be sterile until after birth — is colonized by bacteria or bacterial DNA, which could be protective for or predict development of severe lung disease, knowledge that may offer a therapeutic target.
UAB School of Optometry faculty and Ph.D. candidates searching for answers to better diagnose and treat dry eye disease, are two of nine Ezell Fellows this year.
Early diagnosis of acute kidney injury in preterm infants is possible through urinary protein markers.
The mechanism of widespread reorganization of DNA methylation may be a therapeutic target to prevent or reverse dyskinesia.
UAB’s Engineering and Innovative Technology Development team will be recognized by NASA for achievement in space-related research and production.
Individuals with dry eye have hope as researchers continue to learn more about causes, symptoms and treatments.
UAB has implemented a new application suite to improve clinical trial management, and enhance communication among trial sites and with study participants.
Researchers have found that an interaction between a mutant gene and alpha synuclein in neurons leads to hallmark pathologies seen in Parkinson’s disease, findings that may lead to new mechanisms and targets for neuroprotection.
UAB continues to improve maternal and infant health as the only university to be a member of all three NIH perinatal networks.
The zebrafish is making its mark in the field of biomedical research, becoming one of the fastest-growing models of human disease.
Mild to moderate muscle and nerve strain provokes symptom flares in individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome.
A quality-control checkpoint in pre-B cells restricts the range of antibodies produced by mature B cells, and manipulation of the checkpoint could make vaccines more potent.
The NIH recently awarded UAB $11.5 million to support studies that will assess treatment of babies born with congenital cytomegalovirus but no symptoms, and frequency of neonatal herpes infections in the United States and Peru.
A pilot grant was recently awarded to UAB to investigate a noninvasive method of detecting neuroinflammation in rheumatoid arthritis.
An intriguing paper by Harvard researchers has everyone talking, thanks to widespread media coverage. Neuroscientist Erik Roberson, M.D., Ph.D., co-director of UAB's Center for Neurodegeneration and Experimental Therapeutics, offers his thoughts on a discovery gone viral.
The iKnife, a revolutionary mass spectrometry method, contributes to precision surgery by allowing accurate identification of cancer margins.
The ecRNAs appear to act in memory formation, and may offer a new therapeutic approach to neuropsychiatric diseases.
The program is the first of its kind to incorporate research and medical training in genomics.
The biomarker, the protein kinase LRRK2, is a promising candidate for future exploration.
UAB study says laundry pod detergents pose an increased risk of severe injury for young children over nonpod detergents.
A potent compound discovered by UAB researchers in Antarctic waters could be a new weapon against a bacterial infection that kills thousands each year.
The Top 25 award program, presented by the UAB National Alumni Society, is designed to identify, recognize and celebrate the success of alumni business leaders.
A survival advantage for female humans stands out in a UAB review of sex differences in longevity across many species. Understanding why could inform treatments to extend healthy lifespans.
The new Kirklin Institute for Research in Surgical Outcomes positions UAB as a world leader in improving patient outcomes.
UAB’s Lung Health Center has joined the prestigious Airways Clinical Research Network established by the American Lung Association.
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