Research - News
Scientists know exercise is good for the body. A new study will dig down all the way to the molecular level to find out why.
Identify reading difficulties and connecting them with strategies and interventions is the goal of a free online tool from UAB.
A new discovery in parts of the nerve called Nodes of Ranvier yielded an answer to rapid sensory and motor reactions in mammals.
This first-of-its-kind study aims to address this information gap by examining total net worth in conjunction with five components of wealth.
UAB’s Tara Warner explores why some individuals are more likely to own guns than others.
Researchers will study innovative strategies to better engage populations most at risk, most vulnerable, and least likely to have access to eye care to detect and manage glaucoma and other eye diseases in community-based settings.
New study identifies HIPK2 as a novel regulator of heart failure progression.
A UAB researcher’s promising data shows improvement of Duchenne muscular dystrophy symptoms in mice and zebrafish using an experimental drug.
Approximately one in four people with disabilities are diagnosed with diabetes.
Investigators at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Stanford University want to learn more about silent strokes and their role in brain health, including dementia.
The findings emphasize the importance of wide-reaching public health interventions to prevent hypertension among this population.
The goal is to train and add 63 psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners and social workers to Alabama’s workforce over the course of three years.
The grant will train nurse practitioners on how to prevent, identify and treat opioid addictions. 
A new study blunts hopes that metformin might help exercising seniors gain more muscle mass.
Antibiotic treatment can disrupt the gut microbiome at the strain level, with changes lasting as long as six months.
COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide.
Individuals ages 16-30 with diagnosis of autism and/or ADHD are needed for a simulated driving study.
Excess exposure to oxygen can cause long-term effects on preterm infants.
Early weight-bearing after ankle or tibial plateau surgery may dramatically speed up recovery time, say UAB orthopaedic surgeons involved in a DOD-funded study.
A prestigious U54 grant from the NIH will help pediatric infectious disease investigators study rare viral infections.
For young people, being the victim of violence can lead to risky sexual behavior.
IgA nephropathy is the leading primary glomerulonephritis worldwide.
A team of UAB researchers found even a small influence from AAT dogs is meaningful and valuable to someone after a life-changing spinal cord injury.
UAB CFAR researchers awarded NIH funding to help support efforts for the president’s Ending the HIV Epidemic plan.
A $2.7 million grant aims to make car seat installation help more accessible to parents and caretakers.
These preclinical findings may have therapeutic potential for autoimmune diseases like lupus.
The highest blood pressure amplification was found in patients with uncontrolled resistant high blood pressure.
UAB researchers have found a previously unknown gene variant that appears to contribute to movement disorders.
UAB investigators have outlined the ideal cardiovascular health among American adults after the economic recession of 2008-2009.
The biomarker can identify beta cell death in children and adults with recent-onset Type 1 diabetes and in antibody-positive at-risk subjects before disease onset.
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