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Mathematics Fast Track Program LEARN MORE

Welcome to Mathematics

Mathematics has been a human endeavor for millennia. It has always been driven by two sources: the intrinsic beauty of numbers, shapes, and structures on the one hand and the necessity to solve practical problems in fields as diverse as atomic physics, computed tomography, and finance on the other.


ProfessorThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(205) 934-2154
University Hall 4032

Research Interests: Mathematical physics, Spectral theory, Inverse problems

Teaching Interests: Calculus and differential equations, Linear algebra, Real and complex analysis

Office Hours: By appointment


  • Doctoral degree (Dr.rer.nat.), Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

I was born in 1958 in Germany and studied physics and mathematics at the Technische Universität Braunschweig, where I received my doctoral degree (Dr.rer.nat.) in 1987. I worked as an assistant there from 1987 through 1990. In September 1990 I came to UAB as an Assistant Professor. I became an Associate Professor in 1994 and a Professor in 1999.