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Comps Registration: Masters in Community Health

REMINDER: This electronic form should be completed and submitted by the fourth week of the term you plan to take comps. Students should sign up during the last semester of coursework. Students must be signed up for a minimum of 3 semester hours during the term comps are taken.

To be eligible to sign up for comps, students must be currently enrolled in or have successfully completed HE 610, HE 631, HE 642, EPR 607/608, HE 689 AND HE 697. Successful completion is defined as earning a “C” or above in each of these classes.

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Upon registration, you will receive a study guide. You will also be prompted to sign-up for a time slot for the oral presentation. Remember, there are two components to the exam – written and oral. IF a student fails one or both parts of the examination, they will have the opportunity to remediate. Any student who fails the exams (one or both sections) a second time will be dismissed from the program.

For questions or concerns, please contact Dr. Laura Forbes.

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