Explore UAB

Teamwork gives people a sense of unity,
And the ability to see each others beauty.

Coming together as a team,
All our minds set on a dream.

United by a common goal,
We grew together as a whole.

Comrades at first was the worst,
Everything we tried would burst.

Struggling and all burnt out,
We motivated each other without a doubt.

Hardship after hardship in our leadership,
Our camaraderie turned into companionship.

Friends until the end,
We grew through each other on the weekends.

You see not all struggle is bad,
It may bring you to someone rad!

Despite the highs and lows of undergrad,
For my team, I have never been so glad!

Through compassion, communication, and optimism,
Our struggles resulted in a wonderful synergism.

With my team members by my side,
There’s always a reason to look on the bright side!

We fought and fight with all our might,
Whether or not we were wrong or right,

Communication led us to common ground,
For our experiences have been so profound!

Compassion developed for one another,
We were sister and brother from another mother.

Teamwork has brought us unity,
And the ability to see each others beauty.