Explore UAB

sloss webUAB Connections strives to provide a combination of educational, social, and recreational activities for adults with various eye diseases (i.e., glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, total blindness).

Events encourage group members to be more active and less isolated or withdrawn from the community, while also allowing family members and close friends to enjoy a hands-on activity with their visually impaired loved one.

One of these social outings was a social dance class held on May 13, 2017 at the UAB Campus Recreation Center. To see photos from this event, click here. Another event was recently held on September 27th at Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark. Education Coordinator, Ty Maluhani, held a facilitated, guided tour around the furnaces.

UAB Connections holds regular group meetings held at the UAB Callahan Eye Hospital, and plans recreational activities in the community. Group meetings of UAB Connections cover topics including: education regarding eye health, eye diseases, cutting edge research updates, coping strategies for adjustment, adaptive and environmental strategies for home and community settings, stress management, and tips for how to talk to your doctor and communicate with family and/or the public about your vision. UAB Connections is directed by Laura Dreer, PhD, Director of Psychological & Neuropsychology Clinical Research Services. If you are interested in more information or learning how you can support UAB Connections, please call 205-488-0778.