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Dr. Elizabeth BeierleDr. Elizabeth Beierle

Last month, the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation presented a $150,000 grant to Children’s of Alabama to continue funding research on a tumor xenograft study led by the Division of Pediatric Surgery’s Elizabeth Beierle, M.D., as well as the Department of Pediatrics’ Jamie Aye, M.D., and Kimberly Whelan, M.D., MSPH, and the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology’s Karina Yoon, Ph.D.

According to Children’s, the hospital is home to one of the largest pediatric tumor banks in the country and will be expanding this study by partnering with other local studies that collect blood and treatment data. This grant will support research to improve understanding of the biological drivers of high-risk pediatric cancer leading to innovative therapies.

Established in 1971, the Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation seeks to support advancements in cancer research and patient care in honor of former Green Bay Packers Coach Vince Lombardi, who died from colon cancer in 1970.

Read more about this story here.