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PanCAN PurpleStride Walk 2023The UAB Department of Surgical Oncology participated in the Pancreatic Cancer PurpleStride Walk on Saturday, April 29, in Railroad Park.

Members of the division and the Pancreatobiliary Disease Center joined together to raise awareness and funds to benefit continued research for pancreatic cancer detection and treatment.

“This year, more than 64,000 individuals will be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in the United States,” said Chief of the Section of Hepatopancreatobiliary Disease Dr. Bart Rose. “Together, one step at a time, we can work to find a method for early detection and, ultimately, eradicate the disease.”

Pancreatic cancer is currently the third most deadly cancer and the 10th most common cancer diagnosis in the U.S. Pancreatic cancer symptoms typically manifest later in disease progression and can include jaundice, loss of appetite or weight loss, and diabetic complications.