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Dr. Martin HeslinThe UAB Department of Surgery welcomes the return of Martin J. Heslin, M.D., MSHA to UAB, as Division of Surgical Oncology professor and UAB Health System medical and quality officer.

Heslin first joined the faculty of the UAB Department of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology in 1996, following the completion of his Surgical Oncology Fellowship at Sloan-Kettering Hospital. He now serves as the chief medical and quality officer for UAB Health System and is a professor in the Division of Surgical Oncology.

He has extensive training in hepatobiliary, pancreatic, and colorectal surgery. He has established a thriving gastrointestinal oncology practice that focuses primarily on neoplasms of the pancreas, stomach, colon, and rectum. In 2001, Heslin was instrumental in establishing the UAB Interdisciplinary Gastrointestinal Oncology Center.

Heslin has served as a key instructor and role model for medical students and house staff in the operating room and the clinic.

He is a reviewer of four professional journals and an author or co-author of numerous publications and book chapters. He works with the Robert E. Reed Foundation to support research in gastrointestinal cancers.