Trustees name emeriti faculty

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The University of Alabama System Board of Trustees appointed thee faculty to emeriti positions during its Sept. 13 meeting. Judith A. Kapp, Ph.D., professor emerita, ophthalmology; Philip H. Lander, M.D., professor emeritus, radiology; and Alfred A. Bartolucci, Ph.D., professor emeritus, biostatistics.

Bartolucci joined UAB in 1977 and served as chair of the Department of Biostatistics from 1982–1997. He also held appointments from the School of Nursing and College of Arts and Sciences.

Lander joined the faculty in 2002. He was listed in Best Doctors in America from 2007–2011.

Kapp joined the faculty in 2004 and was a professor of ophthalmology, microbiology and pathology. She served as the department’s vice chair for basic research from 2005–2012.

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