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Student Scholarship Stories

Every year, thanks to the generous support of people like you, the UAB School of Health Professions delivers scholarships to deserving students. For some, it is the difference between earning their degree or dropping out. For others, it is a lifeline for the basics most people take for granted. For all, it is a gift that they are grateful to receive.

Here are some of their stories in their words.

What it Means Personally to Earn a Scholarship

We asked: "How did you react when you were notified you earned a scholarship?"

As you can imagine, the overall tone is elation - they were all excited to have received the award. However, we spoke with current students and alumni - all scholarship winners - who speak beyond the excitement of the support and talk about how this moment has changed or will change their lives.

A Lifetime of Influence from the Support of Strangers

We asked "What does it mean to have support from someone who doesn't know you?"

This question brought out an honesty from our students about the struggles they face day-to-day and how this helps. They open up about the difficulties they face beyond the classroom and beyond exams that include their families. They also talk about their hope for the future - theirs and others.

Scholarship Affect: Life Changing or Life Supporting?

We asked "Was the scholarship life changing or life surviving for you?"

This questionc came because we wanted to know the true impact of a scholarship on their personal life. The answers may surprise you. They are well thought out discussions that range from the personal to the professional and reveal what a scholarship really means to each of them.

The Impact of Family and Future

A scholarship helped an MSHA student with his growing family.

Here at SHP, we have graduate students with families. Often, they arrive from another state and don't have family around to help. It is times like these where scholarships, in addition to their new UAB family, help them focus on studies rather than finances.