Explore UAB

Creating health equity for people with disabilities. Colorful illustrated banner shows people with variety of disabilities playing basketball, having picnics, doing yoga, walking dogs, etc.
reating health equity for people with disabilities. Colorful illustrated banner shows people with variety of disabilities playing basketball, having picnics, doing yoga, walking dogs, etc.


The Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS) is an interdisciplinary center whose core mission is the engagement of people with disabilities in every area of research on the UAB campus.

CEDHARS is comprised of approximately 125 faculty affiliates from eight different schools and many departments at UAB. It also serves as the umbrella for various research and practice programs, including the prestigious CDC-funded National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) and NIDILRR-funded Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RecTech) and several research core facilities.

CEDHARS also offers an active enrichment program with educational services, including disability studies seminars and training opportunities for established researchers and scientists as well as for trainees covering a broad spectrum of topics and featuring local experts and speakers from across the nation and around the world.

About Us

About Us

Core Facilities

Core Facilities

Grants & Training

Grants & Training

Latest News

  • Dr. Rimmer named 2024 recipient of Sam Brown Bridge Builder Award
  • Trending news and stories in the Disability Community
  • Meet the new CEDHARS lab director: Alex Evancho


To stay up to date with all the goings-on at CEDHARS, please consider subscribing to our monthly newsletter. Every first Thursday of the month, we share news on the center, columns from the community, features on research, inclusion science at work and various funding opportunities.