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General Membership Requirements

The main requirements for membership in the COERE are a demonstrated track record in research and an expressed interest in the field of outcomes and effectiveness research.

Other Requirements

In addition to their own research activities, members may be invited to participate in training, Learning Health System and enrichment programs sponsored by the Center at the request of the COERE Directors. In the spirit of building community and collaborations, members also may be connected with other investigators with shared disciplinary or methodological interests and expertise.

Faculty Appointments

COERE membership is considered a secondary appointment for UAB faculty. Center rank or title will be assigned on the basis of the faculty members’ current primary appointment and academic title as follows:

COERE Rank/Title - Equivalent Primary Appointment
Senior Scientist - Professor
Scientist - Associate or Assistant Professor and Adjunct Faculty

Associate Membership Appointments

For non-faculty and for community/industry or other institutional affiliates, the COERE has established an Associate member category. Associate members are welcomed on the basis of interest, participation and collaboration in outcomes and effectiveness research activities and programs at UAB.

Join the COERE