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Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism

Chad Hunter test picAssistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham Heersink School of Medicine

Education and Training:

Franklin College of Indiana, B.A. Biology, 1997
Purdue University (at IUPUI, Indianapolis), Ph.D., Biology, 2007
Vanderbilt University, Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2007-2013

Center Affiliations:

Comprehensive Diabetes Center

GBS Program Affiliations:

Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology
Biochemistry and Structural Biology
Pathobiology and Molecular Medicine

Research Interests:

My lab is interested in understanding how transcription factors and transcriptional coregulators control fundamental decisions governing pancreatic beta-cell development and postnatal function. Revealing mechanisms involved in pancreatic islet beta-cell transcription have the potential to lead to the development of diabetes therapies that may prevent, correct, or delay declining functional beta-cell mass. For example, the field is focused on developing unlimited sources of insulin-producing beta-cells from stem cells sources, with the promise of correcting diabetic hyperglycemia upon implantation. My hope is that our studies will provide instructive clues for the field to generate the next generation of diabetes therapeutics.

We utilize in vitro molecular biology and biochemical approaches plus in vivo mouse knockout strategies to determine the function of pancreatic islet-enriched transcriptional regulators. I am currently interested in the endocrine LIM-Homeodomain class Islet-1 transcription factor and its interactions with a critical coregulator called Ldb1. We have shown that these factors are required for beta- and alpha-cell development and function. Our current and future studies will utilize genome-wide gene expression and DNA-binding analyses to reveal the constellation of target genes and pathways impacted by the Islet-1/Ldb1 complex. We are also elucidating additional factors acting with this transcriptional complex to impact beta-cells. Our overall hypothesis is that complexes mediated by the Ldb1 coregulator are required for all phases of pancreatic islet development, as well as in maintaining adult beta-cell function.


2015:              Helmsley Charitable Trust Abstract Awards in Type 1 Diabetes – Travel Award to ENDO 2015
2013-2016:    NIH-NIDDK K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
2008-2010:    NIH-NRSA Individual postdoctoral fellowship
2007-2008:    Vanderbilt University Institutional Training Grant: T32 DK007061
                        Research Training in Diabetes and Endocrinology
2007:              IUPUI Biology Outstanding Ph.D. Student Award
2006:              NIH National Graduate Student Research Festival
2006:              IUPUI Travel Fellowship
2004-2005:    Purdue University Fellowship


2013-2016:    NIH-NIDDK K01DK094842 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award: The Ldb1 coregulator controls LIM target genes in developing and adult islets.

Selected Publications:

  1. Spaeth JM*, Hunter CS*, Bonatakis L, Morrisey EE, Stanger BZ, Ferrer J, Stein R. The FoxP1, FoxP2, and FoxP4 Transcription Factors are Required for Islet α-Cell Proliferation and Function. Under Revision at Diabetologia. *Equal Contributions.
  2. Tse HM, Kozlovskaya V, Kharlampieva E, Hunter CS*. Directed differentiation and encapsulation of islet β-cells: recent advances and future considerations. Invited Review. Under review at Molecular Endocrinology. March 2015. *Corresponding Author.
  3. Maganti AV, Maier B, Teresy SA, Sampley ML, Mosley AL, Özcan S, Pachaiyappan B, Patrick M. Woster PM, Hunter CS, Stein R, Mirmira RG. Lysine-Specific Methylation of the Islet β Cell Transcription Factor Pdx1 by the Methyltransferase Set7/9. J. Biol. Chem. Published February 24, 2015 asdoi:10.1074/jbc.M114.616219.
  4. Ediger BN, Du A, Liu J, Hunter CS, Walp ER, Schug J, Kaestner KH, Stein R, Stoffers DA, May CL. Islet-1 is Essential for Pancreatic β-Cell Function. Diabetes. 2014 Dec;63(12):4206-17.
  5. Conrad E, Stein R, Hunter CS*. Revealing Transcription Factors During Human Pancreatic Beta Cell Development. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Aug;25(8):407-14. *Corresponding Author.
  6. Hunter CS, Malik RE, Witzmann FA, and Rhodes SJ. LHX3 Interacts With Inhibitor of Histone Acetyltransferase Complex Subunits LANP and TAF-1b to Modulate Pituitary Gene Regulation. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 4;8(7):e68898.
  7. Hunter CS and Stein R. Characterization of a b-cell line-enriched 80-88 kDa transcriptional activator of the MafA and Pdx1 genes. J Biol Chem. 2013 Feb 8;288(6):3795-803.
  8. Hunter CS, Dixit S, Cohen T, Ediger B, Wilcox C, Ferreira M, Westphal H, Stein R, and May CL. Islet a-, b-, and d-cell Development is Mediated by the Ldb1 Coregulator, Primarily Through Interactions With the Isl1 Transcription Factor. Diabetes. 2013 Mar;62(3):875-86.
  9. Liu J, Hunter CS, Du A, Walp E, Stein R, and May CL. Islet-1 Regulates Arx Transcription During Pancreatic Islet a-cell Development. J Biol Chem. 2011 Apr 29;286(17):15352-60.
  10. Hunter CS, Maestro M, Raum J, Guo M, Thompson F, Ferrer J, Stein R. Hnf1α (MODY3) regulates β-cell-enriched MafA transcription factor expression. Mol Endocrinol. 2011 Feb;25(2):339-47.
  11. Raum JC, Hunter CS, Artner A, Henderson E, Guo M, Elghazi L, Sosa-Pineda B, Ogihara T, Mirmira R, Sussel L, Stein R. Islet b-cell-specific MafA transcription requires the 5'-flanking conserved region 3 control domain. Mol Cell Biol. 2010 Sep;30(17):4234-44.
  12. Du A, Hunter CS, Murray J, Noble D, Cai CL, Evans SM, Stein R, May CL. Islet-1 is required for the maturation, proliferation and survival of the endocrine pancreas. Diabetes. 2009 Sep;58(9):2059-69.

Physical Address:

1825 University Blvd, SHEL 1211, Birmingham, AL 35294-2182
Academic Office Telephone: (205) 975-6359
Fax: (205) 996-5220