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For detailed information about each Core's activities please visit the links provided by each core.

Core A
Behavioral Assessment Core
The Behavioral Assessment Core provides a facility for the behavioral testing of mice and rats. Newly created transgenic mice can be analysed using the most-accepted battery of behavioral tests, the SHIRPA (Rogers et al. 1997). This battery will include a primary neurological screen, sensory and motor test (including rotorod, spontaneous locomotor activity, walking coordination, etc.), an open field test for emotional and exploratory activity, and an elevated plus maze for anxiety. Motor function testing is available, and cognitive testing is provided with the Morris water maze, Barnes maze, holeboard maze and eight-arm radial maze tasks. Other, more complex, tasks are also available. Typically, the staff of the Core will conduct the testing and provide investigators with a summary statistical assessment of the behavior tested, as well as access to the databases. The Technical Director will also train research personnel from the PI's laboratory in the use of behavioral testing methods, especially in situations where there is a need to extend testing beyond the complexity offered in the standardized protocols of the Core. The Technical Director will also assist investigators in the development of tools/testing methods that are needed by them for a more detailed assessment of specific behaviors or behavioral deficits.

Thank you for using the UAB Neuroscience Core web site. Please give appropriate acknowledgement to P30 NS47466 in your papers.