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QualitySafety1fyifThe 4th annual Safety and Quality Day held on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2023 provided a great opportunity to share experiences, ideas, methodologies, and challenges related to Epic and informatics, the day’s theme, as well as quality and safety efforts more broadly.

Pearls from the day included Dr. James Willig highlighting the potential of simultaneously collecting in depth local data while contributing more basic information t o national collaboratives. Dr. Eric Kirkendall’s grand rounds presentation provided much insight in to the use of informatics and informal discussion afterward taught us about potential for use of Epic for safety and quality improvement efforts. We learned from Carolyn Smith and Bethany Walker about Rheumatology’s efforts to sign up patients for MyChart and heard that our colleagues in IT are working to improve sign up institution wide. Hannah Stone shared her passion for helping patients with substance addiction; her presentation highlighted her project to increase getting naloxone to high-risk patients with simple efforts like changing order sets. Eric Brown and Heather Dutton taught us how to use Slicer Dicer, emphasized the importance of data stewardship, and discussed research tools that are coming in the future. Epic Cosmos containing data from multiple centers for research and quality improvement efforts will be available to us in the next 6 months. Within Epic, check out the COA DSB Dashboard to see COA volumes daily and the COA Reporting Reference for an index of some of the reports currently available in Epic.

We would like to thank everyone who shared abstracts for the meeting and congratulate our podium presenters and best poster.

Podium Presentations:

  • Carolyn Smith, CRNP, Melissa Mannion, MD, John Bridges, MD, Emily Smitherman, MD, Livie Timmerman, Kim Jerkins, Linda, McAllister, CRNP, Annelle Reed, CRNP, Bethany Walker, CRNP, Kimberly Jerkins, JoAnne Zech, Ashley McCamy, LICSW. Increasing rheumatology patient enrollment in the Epic patient portal system: MyChart

  • Hannah Stone, MD, Elise Dasinger, PharmD, MHA, Brian Brocato, DO, Samuel Gentle, MD. Outcomes of a Quality Improvement Initiative to Increase Intranasal Naloxone Dispensing at Discharge among Postpartum Patients at Increased Risk of Opioid Overdose.

Best Poster:

  • Samuel Gentle, Suzanne Muir, Britta Cedergren, Lora Ham, Brian Brocato, Martha Wyngate. Improving Perinatal Outcomes in Mothers and Infants Impacted by Opiate Use Disorder

Honorable Mentions:

  • Kelly Muterspaw, Kevin Wall, MD, Chloe Meyer, MD, Bradley Anding, MD, Kyle Deville, MD, Elizabeth Fix, MD, Elizabeth Barton, MD, Christine Campbell, MD. Improving Medical Error Reporting Among Pediatric Resident Physicians

  • Natalie Soyster, Mackenzie Valentin, Channing Bruce, Ciearria Samuel, David Kimberlin, Adolfo Molina. SWU Are You.

  • Sarah Allan, MD, Jessica Schmitt, MD, Sajal Patel, MD, Sheila Benton, BSN, RN, CDCES, Mary Cochran, MSN, RN, Christy Foster, MD, Lauren Smith, RN. Improving Transition Education for Patients with Diabetes