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The UAB Department of Psychiatry is proud to introduce the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Interest Group (CAPIG), a dynamic new student organization that aims to shape the future of psychiatry training.

CAPIG is committed to fostering professional development, cultivating a pipeline program and interest in child and adolescent psychiatry, and building connections among students, residents, fellows, and faculty mentors.

This organization also strives to promote social activities and awareness among its members.

Goals of CAPIG for UAB Heersink School of Medicine Students

• Education: CAPIG seeks to increase awareness and education among students regarding child and adolescent psychiatry. The group aims to assist students interested in this specialty in attaining their desired residency, whether it be a general psychiatry residency, a "fast-track" child and adolescent psychiatry program, or a triple board program in pediatrics, general psychiatry, and child and adolescent psychiatry.

• Professional Development: CAPIG provides a platform for mentorship, networking, and leadership development for medical students, psychiatry residents, and child and adolescent psychiatry fellows and attendings.

• Advocacy: The group actively engages in shaping healthcare policy through interactions with government, the public, and physician organizations at local, state, and national levels. Members are encouraged to attend AACAP annual conferences to stay informed on cutting-edge research in the field.

• Pipeline to Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: CAPIG organizes luncheons, dinners, presentations, and other social events to identify interested medical students and make it easy for them to explore the vast field of child and adolescent psychiatry.

Upcoming Group Meeting: January 2024

The next scheduled CAPIG group meeting is set to take place in January 2024. This gathering will provide an excellent opportunity for members to connect, share insights, and further the mission of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Interest Group.

For more information or inquiries, please contact president, Marli Jones mkjones8@uab.edu or vice president, Megan Brunsvold mbrunsvo@uab.edu