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UAB Department of Surgery faculty members Babak Orandi, M.D., Ph.D., and Emily Spangler, M.D., were recently named two of this year’s UAB Center for Clinical and Translational Science Deep South Mentored Career Development Program Scholars.

Dr. Babak OrandiDr. Babak Orandi
Dr. Emily SpanglerDr. Emily Spangler

The program culminates in lead-author manuscripts and an extramurally funded research grant submission for scholars, including Orandi’s project, “The Role of Bariatric Surgery in Obese Liver Transplant Candidates and Recipients,” and Spangler’s project, “Assessment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair Imaging Surveillance Practices in Veterans.”

The mentored career development – or KL2 award – program at the CCTS is sponsored by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences of the National Institutes of Health and seeks to prepare early-career faculty for a career in translational research.

The goal is to impart the knowledge, experience and perspective required to develop a network of independent investigators, with an emphasis on research that addresses diseases and health disparities that disproportionately affect the Deep South.