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Dr. Panayotis VardasUAB Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery Assistant Professor Panayotis Vardas, M.D., was recently featured on UAB’s MedCast Podcast to discuss the causes and treatment options for degenerative valve disease.

In the podcast, Vardas discussed mitral valve regurgitation. This condition affects around 2% of the total population and can cause a backflow of blood from the heart to the lungs. The high prevalence of this condition highlights the need for greater awareness of mitral valve disorders.

About Valve Disorders

Vardas states that mitral valve regurgitation, also known as “leaky valve,” can be classified as either primary or secondary (depending on the etiology of the regurgitation). Primary mitral valve disorders, specifically, can be degenerative and occur as the patient ages. The treatment options vary depending on the cause of the disease, but the gold standard for primary degenerative disease is mitral valve repair, a curative procedure.

Vardas explained that there are several guidelines for mitral valve repair, and patients experiencing symptoms such as shortness of breath or palpitations should always seek a specialist. 

Patients may benefit from surgery when they are symptomatic or if asymptomatic, when the heart function drops; However, consulting a cardiothoracic surgeon is the most reliable option for determining whether a patient is eligible for the operation.

Treatment at UAB

Vardas elaborated on how UAB is at the forefront of providing top-tier quality care for patients with mitral valve disorders. The heart team, comprising a cardiologist, a structuralist, and a surgeon, work together to analyze each patient's condition and provide tailored care for their needs. This comprehensive approach ensures that every provider is connected to each member of the patient’s care team -- thereby fostering a united front aligned with common goals and strategies to deliver excellent care.

To listen to the full episode, visit the UAB MedCast website.