Health & Medicine - News

A midurethral sling during surgery to repair pelvic organ prolapse reduces the risk of developing stress incontinence, but also poses greater risks.

UAB’s Hernandez has been named as the only American representative to the European Academy of Management Board, dealing with healthcare management issues.

New materials and new techniques have led to a surge in hip replacements, both for seniors and for active weekend warriors.

Grab a blanket and go watch a professional fireworks show this Fourth of July, say UAB ophthalmologists, and skip home fireworks.

New specialization available within the doctoral Vision Sciences program.

Ophthalmology professor will conduct a congressional briefing.

Exercising outdoors during the summer can be hard on the heart but there are things you can do to make it less stressful.

Mary Warren has been named co-director of the UAB Center for Low Vision Rehabilitation

Add an increased risk of stroke to the list of health problems caused by sleeping fewer than six hours a night.

UAB’s new nano-material extends the life of pancreatic islets and reduces inflammatory response that causes transplant rejection.

UAB faculty will give 25 presentations at ASCO scientific meeting; topics also include ovarian and breast cancers and AML, or acute myeloid leukemia.

UAB study finds majority of older adults rate themselves as excellent drivers though one in four had a wreck in previous five years.

An American Lung Association project will help patients with COPD.

The National Institutes of Health centers will close gaps in curricula so clinicians can make better and safer choices about pain treatment.

UAB affiliation provides residents in Okaloosa County and surrounding areas with increased access to advanced cancer care.

UAB’s newest affiliate extends leading-edge care to Guntersville, Boaz areas.

The Program in Environmental and Translational Medicine combines clinical care with research to prevent, treat diseases caused from air pollution, water contamination, other causes.

Study says findings could be a game-changer for patients, helping doctors determine when to perform surgery and providing better long-term outcomes.

Swift treatment in the UAB First Episode Clinic leads to better outcomes for patients, families.

It’s Healthy Vision Month, and UAB ophthalmologists say that early detection of eye diseases plays a major part in successful treatment.

Traveling during pregnancy can be safe and fun as long as women pay attention to their bodies, physicians instruct.

Alabama man has minimally invasive, robot-assisted heart bypass and a week later is able to drive his new motorhome to Talladega infield.

Seth Landefeld named chair of the School of Medicine’s largest department with 400 faculty and $100 million in research funding.

Five-year agreement focuses on improving delivery of health care to Northeast Alabama.

Steroids increase risk of bacterial infection in kids with juvenile arthritis over methotrexate or TNF inhibitors.

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability will be part of the UAB/Lakeshore Foundation Research Collaborative.

After his broken jaw joints sealed shut, Alix Guillaume's mouth was locked closed for two years. Surgery enabled him to eat, talk and smile again.

Quilt display, picnic mark National Donate Life Month for area organ donors and recipients.

Physicians and caregivers need to carefully monitor decision-making ability in patients with head injury, say UAB researchers.

Alabama sees a 50 percent increase but rates are the lowest among study sites, which could mean children are not being diagnosed and are not receiving services.

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