Displaying items by tag: school of nursing
Recurring themes emerge throughout Florence Nightingale letters, including health and sanitation reform, collaborative partnerships, advocacy for public health.
The Gerontological Society of America is the nation’s largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to the field of aging.
UAB Nursing and Medicine schools tout partnership with the VA to improve health care for veterans and their families during May 13-17 National VA Research Week.
A new UAB School of Nursing study will test phone-based palliative care intervention for those in rural areas with advanced cancer.
The mission of the AANP is to lead nurse practitioners in transforming patient centered health care.
The association’s mission is to assure the provision of quality health care to women of all ages by nurse practitioners.
This award will provide support for Walker to serve as a visiting professor for up to six weeks at a foreign nursing school, twice, over the next five years.
The scholarships will be named in honor of Virginia Bonds Black and Seth Houston McCoin, Jr., and Elizabeth Morgan McCoin.
More 150 girls from 40 schools in Jefferson and Shelby counties will come to UAB April 20, 2013 to learn about STEM fields.
Bahemuka, a native of Uganda, is one of 20 health professionals participating in this yearlong fellowship beginning in June 2013.